As we approach, the weight of the situation presses down on us. Whatever happens next, we’ll face it together. The unknown awaits, and with it, the truth about Uncle Joe’s betrayal and the lengths we’ll have to go to ensure justice is served.

Chapter Twenty-Four - Kirill

As we step out of the car, the cold night air biting at my skin, I can’t help but feel a surge of annoyance. Bringing Caleb along was not part of my plan, but the stubborn bastard insisted too much, and Violet backed him up. Now, here we are, facing a potentially dangerous situation with an extra variable I didn’t need.

I spot Dimitri waiting for us outside the abandoned building. His silhouette is framed by the dim glow of a nearby streetlight, and the tension in his posture is unmistakable. As we approach, he strides forward to meet us, his face a mask of grim determination.

“Dimitri,” I greet him with a curt nod. “What’s the situation?”

Dimitri glances briefly at Caleb and Violet before turning his full attention to me. “We’ve got Joe inside. He’s been secured, but something feels off.”

I narrow my eyes, my annoyance momentarily forgotten. “Off how?”

Dimitri glances over his shoulder at the building, then back at me. “The way he was captured—it was too easy. No resistance, no backup coming to his aid. It’s almost like he wanted to be caught.”

Caleb, ever the eager interloper, steps forward. “Maybe he knew he couldn’t get away and decided to surrender.”

I shoot him a glare, but Dimitri responds, his voice measured. “Perhaps. It doesn’t add up. Joe isn’t the type to go down without a fight. He’s always been slippery, careful. This feels… orchestrated.”

Violet, standing beside me, looks worried. “What do you mean, Dimitri? Orchestrated how?”

Dimitri sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I’m not sure. Maybe he’s buying time, or maybe there’s something else in play we’re not seeing yet. We’ve got men posted around the perimeter and inside in case he tries anything, but I’ve got him tied pretty tight.”

I nod, processing his words. The sense of unease grows, but I push it aside. “Alright. Let’s go in and see what Joe has to say.”

Caleb, trying to sound authoritative, speaks up again. “If Joe’s playing some kind of game, we need to be ready.”

I can’t hide my irritation any longer. “No shit, Caleb. We’re not amateurs.”

Violet places a hand on my arm, her touch calming. “Let’s focus on Joe. We need to find out what he knows.”

Dimitri nods in agreement. “He’s in one of the back rooms. We’ve got him restrained and under guard. Kirill, be careful. There’s something about this that doesn’t sit right with me.”

I meet Dimitri’s gaze, seeing the concern etched in his features. “I’ll keep that in mind. Let’s move.”

We make our way towards the building, the sounds of our footsteps echoing in the stillness. Dimitri leads the way, his flashlight cutting through the darkness. The building is a maze of corridors and empty rooms, the air thick with the scent of decay and disuse.

As we approach the room where Joe is being held, Dimitri pauses, turning to face us. “Remember, we don’t know what we’re walking into. Stay sharp.”

I nod, my senses on high alert. “Understood.”

Caleb looks like he’s about to say something, but I cut him off with a sharp glance. “No distractions. We need to focus.”

“Fine, fuck. I was just going to say I’d stay by the door.”

I raise a brow. “You won’t come in?”

“If I have to look at Joe, I don’t know what I might do.”

I snort. On that, we agree. “Fine, stay here.”

Dimitri pushes open the door, and we step inside. The room is dimly lit, with Joe sitting in a chair, hands and ankles bound.

Joe’s eyes widen with genuine concern when he sees Violet. “Why are you here, dear?” he asks, his voice trembling slightly.

Violet’s composure wavers, and I can see the tears welling up in her eyes. “Why, Uncle Joe? Why would you do all this; was it just for wealth?”

Joe’s face contorts with what seems like genuine confusion and sorrow. “Violet, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never wanted to hurt anyone.”