“It’s most likely him,” Dimitri continues. “Joe Harrison. He wants Jeff’s wealth for himself. He didn’t allow Violet to become the chairperson after Jeff’s death and took the role instead. Let’s not forget, he didn’t even come to your wedding. He was strongly opposed to Violet marrying into the Bratva. Why? Because he knew she would gain power.”
I study the picture, my mind racing. Joe Harrison. It makes sense, but the audacity of it still surprises me. “He’s been planning this for a while,” I say, more to myself than to Dimitri. “If he’s behind the threats, he’s willing to do anything to secure his position.”
Dimitri nods. “Exactly. He knows that with you by her side, Violet would become untouchable. He can’t allow that. His opposition to the marriage was more than just about family honor—it was about maintaining control.”
I feel a surge of anger at the thought of Joe manipulating Violet, using threats and fear to keep her in line. “So, what do we do?” I ask, my voice hard.
“We need to confront him,” Dimitri says firmly. “We can’t do it directly. Not yet. We need more evidence, something irrefutable that ties him to the threats. This picture is a start, but we need more.”
I nod, my mind already strategizing. “We’ll put more eyes on him. Follow his movements, track his communications. I want to know everything he’s doing, who he’s meeting, and what he’s planning.”
Dimitri smiles, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. “Already on it. Our men are tailing him as we speak. We’ll have a full report soon.”
I stand up, pacing the length of my office. The thought of Violet in danger because of her own uncle fills me with a protective rage. “What about Violet?” I ask, stopping to look at Dimitri. “Does she know any of this?”
Dimitri shakes his head. “You’d know more than me, Boss. We need to be sure before we tell her. She’s already under enough stress. Adding this without solid proof would only make things worse.”
I nod, agreeing with his assessment. “Keep her safe. Double the guards if you have to. I don’t want anything happening to her.”
“Understood,” Dimitri says. “Kirill, we need to tread carefully. If Joe gets wind that we’re onto him, he might escalate. We need to be subtle.”
“I know,” I reply, my mind already working through the possibilities. “He won’t get away with this. Not if I have anything to say about it.”
Dimitri’s phone buzzes, and he glances at the screen. “It’s one of our men. I need to take this.”
I wave him off, my thoughts still on Violet and the danger she’s in. As Dimitri steps out to take the call, I sit back down, the weight of the situation pressing down on me.
Dimitri returns a few minutes later, his expression grim. “Our man followed Joe to another meeting. Nothing we didn’t already know, he couldn’t get close enough to hear much.”
I huff. “Then what use are they?”
“It doesn’t matter. It all adds up, Kirill. Joe is orchestrating this.”
I nod, feeling a cold determination settle over me. “Then we proceed with caution. Gather all the evidence we can. When the time is right, we’ll confront him. Until then, we stay vigilant.”
Dimitri leans forward, his eyes sharp with focus. “Understood. We’ll keep tracking Joe’s activities. Our men will follow his every move, document every meeting, and record every transaction. We’ll get the proof we need.”
“Don’t let him harm a hair on her head. Got it?”
Dimitri nods, his expression mirroring my own resolve. “Got it.”
Dimitri stands, straightening his jacket. “I’ll keep you updated with any new developments. We’ll find out the truth soon enough.”
I rise from my chair, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. “Violet’s safety is our top priority. We can’t afford any mistakes. Make sure the guards are on high alert, and double-check all our security measures.”
“Consider it done,” Dimitri replies, his tone resolute. “She’ll be safe, Kirill. I’ll make sure of it.”
As Dimitri turns to leave, I feel a surge of gratitude for his loyalty and competence. He’s been my right hand for years, and I trust him implicitly. With him on this, I know we have the best chance of keeping Violet safe and exposing Joe’s treachery.
Before he reaches the door, I call out, “Dimitri.”
He stops and turns back to me, waiting for my next instruction.
“Keep a close eye on Violet too,” I say, my voice softer but no less determined. “She’s strong, but she’s also vulnerable. She needs to know that she can rely on us, even if she doesn’t want to admit it. She won’t speak to me, but maybe you can get her to open up.”
Dimitri nods, understanding the unspoken layers of my request. “I’ll make sure she’s protected, Kirill. You have my word.”
With that, he leaves the room, and I’m left alone with my thoughts. The stakes have never been higher. Joe’s ambition threatens not just Violet’s inheritance but her very life. The thought of her being in danger fuels my resolve even further.