Page 48 of Chase

“No.” I release the door, kick off my shoes, and run for the bed, jumping onto the center as he stumbles through. He looks up at me, bouncing up and down on the middle of his huge bed, freshly made with navy silk sheets. The flour scattered over my hair floats down, coating the material. With each jump, bits of it are thrown into the air. He stands shaking his head, clearly amused, before climbing up to join me.

We bounce together, up and down, as if we are children enjoying the forbidden. He leans down and grabs a pillow, then slaps me playfully with it on the backside. I grab the other, and the next thing I know, we’re play fighting like teenage girls, smacking each other all over with the soft weapons. My pillow gives way first, exploding messily across the room. Feathers join the floating flour.

Connor grins manically at me, and I return a similar gesture. After the second pillow detonates, we both collapse onto the mattress, breathing heavily as if we’ve just completed three rounds of boxing. We lie side by side amongst the mess we created, staring at the ceiling. He links his fingers through mine.

“Don’t you love it,” he says. “When life feels what I expect it feels like for normal people?”

“Normal people? Are you not human?”

He laughs but squeezes my fingers. “You know what I mean. Like if I was a school teacher and you were a nurse. If we were everyday people who worked the nine-to-five, saved to buy a house, and life was completed by a pension and a couple of kids.”

“You want kids?” I ask him.

He turns to face me, propping himself up on one elbow. Shrewd clear eyes run over my face, and he takes a breath before speaking. Uncertainty flits over his features for a second.

“With you, that would be my ultimate achievement.” My mouth drops open momentarily stunned by his honesty. His free hand comes to my cheek, wiping at a tear I didn’t know was falling. “The only future I see is with you. We may not have known each other long, but I have no doubt you’re mine.”

“I don’t want to disappoint you,” I whisper, choked with emotion.

“The only way you’ll do that is by not giving us a chance at being happy.” He pushes himself from the bed, standing abruptly. The moment which had started jovial turned serious. “We better get tidied up and go,” he says. “Russell will be waiting for us. I’ll make you a sandwich, it will be quicker than pancakes.” He disappears in the direction of the kitchen, and I sit up only to be faced with my reflection in the mirror.

The woman looking back at me is far removed from the one of last year. A new career, new hopes, and new relationships, all thanks to a random meeting with Violet in a clothes shop. That life event had knocked the course of my life at a right angle. Things are becoming ever more complicated between suspected criminal activities within the hospital and my complex love life. Once Russell returns to The Level, changes will have to be made if we’re to fully investigate the possibility of being together and what our crazy feelings mean.

My focus moves to the open door, where I can hear Connor rummaging in the kitchen. I do wonder if he regrets his suggestion, or if he’s as comfortable as he makes out he is. The next few weeks will be life-changing once again, either in a good way or a detrimental one. I can only hope that when the time comes, I make the right decision.


Connor takes my hand as we exit the elevator on the fourth floor of Varley Medical. He guides me across the tiles and past Bryan sitting at his desk. “Hi, Sam,” he calls to my retreating back; I glance over Connor’s shoulder and wave with my free hand. There’s the click of heels coming toward us and as we round the corner, we’re met head-on by Dr. Rivera.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Chase,” she says, holding out her hand. He ignores the gesture and her eyes move to me. “And Samantha,” she adds, her face pinching in displeasure. “Russell will be able to be discharged in a few minutes. We are just waiting for his medication to be delivered from the pharmacy.”

“I called ahead,” Connor snaps, his tone sharper than I’ve ever heard it. “Why is everything not ready as I requested?” He narrows his eyes, and she recoils under his glower. “We are busy people, doctor. I don’t appreciate incompetence.” Her jaw drops, and I clear my throat to hide a laugh. Connor tugs at my hand, and we walk past her toward Russell’s room.

Connor taps on the door and pushes it open without waiting to be invited. Russell is sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed in a hooded top and shorts. His cast leg sits awkwardly with his heel on the floor. In each hand, he holds a crutch. He places the ends on the floor and pushes himself up to stand before his focus moves to us. As his eyes lock with my gaze, my stomach flips.

Connor leads me toward him, then lets go of my hand before leaning down and collecting the already-packed sports bag that sits at his feet. “Have you got everything?” Connor asks him, ignoring the charged energy in the room.

“I have now,” his brother replies, his eyes still focused on me. I wither slightly under his stare. “I can’t wait to get home and start exploring this.” He moves toward me, placing a crutch on either side of my body. He’s bigger than Connor; his huge frame blocks my view of his brother. Russell leans down and kisses my cheek gently. My body heats with the simple gesture, and my nipples harden instantly, poking through the material of my top. His eyes drop to my chest and he smirks. “Right answer, Trouble. I can see you’re as pleased to see me as I am you.”

Connor moves to our side, coming back into view. His expression is hard to read; I can’t tell if it’s his brother’s actions that have made him uncomfortable or my reaction. “Let’s go,” he says quietly before walking in the direction of the exit.

“After you,” Russell tells me, gesturing for me to follow. I turn and trace Connor’s path. When we reach the reception area, Connor is at the desk talking to Bryan. As I get closer, it becomes apparent he’s complaining about the fact Russell’s medication wasn’t ready when we arrived. I walk over and place a soothing hand on his arm. He glances at me, then goes back to sounding off at poor Bryan about incompetence.

“You have it now,” I point out, tapping the white bag in his hand.

“That’s not the point,” he mutters. Russell whistles loudly across the space, and we both turn to face him. He’s standing by the elevator, one crutch poised across the doors to stop them from closing.

“Come on,” he calls. “Let’s get out of this fucking place.” Connor sighs, then relents before taking my hand, leading me away from Bryan and toward the unknown we’re about to experience back at The Level.

Chapter nineteen

Russell's Penthouse, The Level


My home looks identical to how I left it over a week ago. The bottle of whiskey I was drinking sits next to my unwashed glass on the table. My plate sits on the counter with remnants of the fast food that was my dinner the night I fell. Annoyed, my eyes scan the room for any indication that Mrs. D has been able to undertake her normal duties.

“Has Mrs. D been off work?” I ask Connor as he walks over to pick up the hub that controls the penthouse. He presses a few buttons and the blinds open. The spring sunshine pours into the room, highlighting the dust covering the glossy black surfaces of my furniture.