Page 28 of Chase

She pouts dramatically. “That never used to be a rule.” Her hands move to her hips and she straightens. “We had some fun times over this desk.”

“Yes, we did. But then you returned to your ex-husband. The one I fleeced for two million pounds in your divorce settlement,” I remind her.

She giggles like a schoolgirl, then slaps at my shoulder. “Spoilsport.”

“I’m saving your husband from paying you for a second divorce.”

Josephine totters across her office then throws herself down on her chair before crossing one leg over the other. I close the door and take the seat opposite.

“So, what can I do for you?”

“I’m here to make sure my money is being well spent,” I tell her. “How is Samantha getting on? It’s been a few months.”

“Are you and her fucking?” she asks, her nose pinching in annoyance.


“So why pay for her education and not tell her?” She raises her eyebrows and narrows dark, suspicious eyes.

“Think of me as Robin Hood.”

She laughs out loud then shakes her head. “Robin Fucking Hood, my arse. I’ll tell you what,” she says, then taps her lips with a long thin finger. “You can ask her yourself.” She presses the call button to Bryan before I can stop her and asks him to send in Sam. I glare at her, but she shrugs my mood away. A few minutes later, there’s a knock at the door.

“Come in,” Josephine calls, and I hear the door creak open.

“You wanted to see me, Dr. Rivera.”

“Yes, Samantha. Do come in.” There is the sound of the door closing, and soft footsteps across the office in my direction. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I keep my eyes focused on the bitch on the other side of the desk. “Your funder is here for an update on your progress.” My body freezes as the information I wanted to be kept secret is blurted out into the open.

“Excuse me?” Samantha says, clearly shocked. Knowing I must face this straight on, I stand and turn to face her. She’s staring at me with an expression that could convey either happiness or horror. She looks naturally stunning with no makeup, hair high in a ponytail, even while wearing a shapeless uniform. This woman makes my body yearn whenever she gets within ten feet of me. It’s disconcerting.

“Mr. Chase here funded your whole program.” I glance at the doctor who’s gesturing at me. “And now he wants to know he didn’t waste his money.”

“Oh…” Samantha stammers, her expression morphing to complete confusion. I wonder how she’s going to navigate the situation, if she’ll acknowledge that we know one another or not and how well.

“Are you not going to say ‘thank you’?” Josephine snaps, then walks around her desk to stand beside me and lays a hand on my arm. Samantha stiffens, and I get a ridiculous kick from the idea that she could be jealous of another woman touching me.

The three of us stand in the office in what resembles a stand-off. Every person waiting for someone else to make a move. Finally, Samantha clears her throat and takes a step forward, then extends a hand. I take it—our bodies connect, and I swear a bolt of electricity passes between us.

“Thank you, Mr. Chase,” Samantha says formally. “I appreciate your investment in my career.” She squares her shoulders, and her eyes lock with mine.

“You’re very welcome, Miss Coleman,” I reply, releasing her hand. “Do ensure you take full advantage of the opportunity. I wouldn’t want you to get into any trouble.”



My worst fear has been confirmed—it was Russell who paid for this opportunity. It was he who arranged for me to follow my ambition into nursing. The idea had crossed my mind on a few occasions, but I’d dismissed the notion as ridiculous.

I was wrong.

We face off in the middle of my boss’s office after being introduced as if strangers. Dr. Rivera’s focus moves between us assessing the situation, and with each second that passes, her mood darkens.

“Have you found your training so far, interesting?” Russell asks, breaking the silence.

“Very. Dr. Rivera is an extremely knowledgeable professional, and my fellow nursing team have taken great care to show me the ropes.”

“Ropes?” he replies with a cheeky smile, visibly relaxing. “Are your rope tying skills improving?”