“Harry, what the fuck are you doing here?” she shouts, and he steps back as she pushes herself up to sit. Samantha’s head snaps around, and she hesitates as she clocks my brother and me. “I’d know that bloody big toe anywhere.” My eyes flick to the face hole Harrison is standing above.
“If you think I’m letting another man touch you, Vi, you don’t know me well enough. I don’t fucking share.” He steps forward and takes her face between his hands. “You’re all fucking mine. I don’t share,” he repeats before glancing at us standing at the next bed. “No offense.”
“None taken,” I reply, holding my hands up as he passes her a towel.
“Get up. We are going to bed,” he tells her. His eyes are fixed on my sister, the unwavering love for her since they were teenagers burning strong. Harrison has always looked at her the same way, with pure, unadulterated want.
“Why?” she asks, and he laughs before kissing her softly.
“Because I want to put a baby in you tonight, and I would rather not do that in front of your brothers.” She flushes red, then we all watch as he lifts her into his arms and carries her from the spa.
Samantha pushes herself up and fixes her bikini top. She looks from Russell to me, then back again. “What do you boys want to do then? As you’ve interrupted my girly evening,” she says, cocking her head to the side. “Violet has abandoned me, and you two have been playing stalker.” I wince at her description. “As you’re both here, we may as well—”
“I want to eat,” I tell her. She bites her lip.
“Are you hungry?”
“Shall we all go to my room?” she suggests. Russell extends a hand to help her from the bed, but I stand where I am and avert my eyes. A few moments pass without anyone speaking. She sighs softly, and the mood dips. “As you're both now in crazy stalker mode, I have no doubt you know which room I’m in. When you sort it out, you know where I am.” Russell and I watch her walk away, her bare feet padding softly on the cool floor. Once she’s out of sight, I turn to my brother. He glares back at me.
“What?” I say, confused by his anger.
“Could we both not have gone upstairs with her, rather than putting a dampener on everything?” he says.
“I don’t want to watch you have sex with my girl,” I growl.
“She isn’t your girl. She’s our girl. You need to get used to that fact.” He straightens his shoulders and puffs out his chest. “Watching her with someone else can be quite a turn-on. You get to focus on her expressions and the way her body reacts. I learned a lot about how to pleasure her from you.”
I see red, and my fist connects with his jaw instantly. So much of this fucked up situation makes me hate not only myself but him. Most days, I regret giving her the green light to investigate their relationship; it burns every damn day. I pull a coin from my pocket.
“That was a compliment, you idiot.” He rubs at his jaw. I’ve hit my brother more since meeting Samantha than I have in my whole life. She brings out a possessiveness I’ve never felt before. It’s almost uncontrollable.
“Heads or tails,” I ask him.
“What, you’re seriously going to toss a coin to see who goes first?”
“Got a better idea?” He shakes his head. “Well, shut up and choose.”
As I apply my makeup in the mirror, a soft green candle flickers in its glass vase. The aroma of jasmine fills the air. Typically, this essential part of putting yourself together isn’t located over the dressing table where it would make perfect sense. No, I can only see my reflection in a full-length mirror located on a random wall with no outlet nearby. Why do even the most luxurious hotels get this simple requirement wrong? All I want to do is sit down and do my hair and makeup, but poor design makes it difficult.
Sitting on the floor, I survey myself in the glass and thread mascara through my lashes. The long black strands extend before my eyes, highlighting the blue beneath. Once again, I look to the door, willing it to open and both of my men to walk through. I left the latch off so nothing would cause them to falter if they decided to visit.
Time passes insanely slow, the large wall clock ticking each second at what feels like half-time. Once my makeup has been applied for the third time, I push up to stand and look at myself again. Walking back from the spa, I debated what would be suitable to wear this evening, unsure who would be coming to visit. I never expected either of them to be here.
I didn’t want to make any assumptions, but also wanted to leave every avenue open to be explored. I opted for a simple, black lace pajama set of a tank and shorts that cut high, exposing the bottom of my ass cheeks. Either of them would appreciate that.
Worrying that neither man will appear, I begin to pace around the most stunning hotel room I’ve ever stayed in. I’m on my fifth lap when the door opens, and Russell walks in, holding a bottle of champagne in one hand and two flutes in the other.
“Impatient, Trouble?” he says, closing the door with his foot. My heart sinks in my chest when I realize Connor must have left without seeing me. “Sorry, Connor and I had some business to sort first.”
“What kind of business?”
“A game of luck, and the winner got you.” His mouth moves into a small smile, but there’s a sadness in his eyes. “He still isn’t ready to see you with someone else. But I think in time…”