Page 58 of Chase

“Once I’m back to normal,” I tell him, “I’ll kick your ass for taking advantage of my lack of mobility.” Samantha passes by him and moves out of view. My brother takes the opportunity to stick his tongue out like a schoolboy before turning away. When I reach the door, he has wrapped an arm around her waist and is guiding her toward the elevators. I limp behind them, thinking of all the ways I can make him pay in the future.

The elevator opens, and the two of them step inside. As I go to join them, the doors begin to close. “Hold the elevator,” I shout, but they continue to slide. When I reach the threshold, I attempt to thrust one crutch between the doors but miss. My last view is my brother placing his hand on Samantha’s face and dropping his lips to hers as they disappear behind the metal.

Infuriated by his teasing, I hit the button to call the elevator aggressively with the rubber stopper on the bottom of my crutch. The band around it lights up orange, but the numbers continue to descend, stopping at the basement. I watch impatiently as the numbers begin to rise again. Eventually, the doors open, and I’m surprised to see Sam standing in the compartment. She smiles shyly, then bites her lip.

“I’m here to collect my patient,” she says, and my cock stirs in my suit. Fuck, I wish I was in a state to fuck her right here in the elevator.

“I’ll be raising a complaint with your boss,” I tell her, and her cheeks color. “Leaving an immobile man alone to disappear with your boyfriend isn’t very professional.” I step into the space with her, and the doors close. “But maybe you can convince me not to report you.”

“And how can I do that?”

“By making me fucking happy later on.”

We stare at each other as the elevator drops to the garage level. I half expect to see Connor waiting for us when we arrive, but he’s already in his car and has pulled it closer to where we are. Samantha walks at my pace as we make our way toward him, then she opens the passenger door. I climb in beside my brother, but it’s difficult due to the height.

“This is a shit-mobile,” I mumble, annoyed, as Samantha takes my crutches.

“No, you’re just damaged goods,” Connor retorts.

“Stop it,” Samantha hisses. “You two are unbelievable. Can we manage a short drive with no bickering? You’re like a pair of pathetic teenage boys.” My brother and I glance at each other, and Connor shrugs. “Honestly, if I have to listen to another ‘my dick is bigger than your dick’-type debate. I’ll leave you both to it.”

She slams my door closed and scrambles into the rear seat, throwing my crutches on the floor.

“We’ve been told off,” Connor says, and we laugh.

“But there isn’t a snowball's chance in hell that we’ll ever stop,” I say. “Riling you up is one of my favorite pastimes.”

“And don’t I fucking know it.”

Connor slides the stick into gear, and we pull out of the underground parking garage into the busy London traffic. Our apartments are around the corner, so it takes only minutes to arrive at The Level. Once we’ve parked again in an underground parking area, we all clamber out of the vehicle and make our way to the elevator that directly accesses the boardroom.

“Everyone should be there,” Connor tells us. “I messaged them, and they were there anyway with Harrison. Hunter has a legal issue.”

“When doesn’t he,” I say as the doors open for us to find our friends already placed around the table, waiting for us. Harrison, Damon, and Hunter sit sipping on beer bottles and chatting amongst themselves as we enter the room.

“Good afternoon, lovers,” Hunter calls across, and I scowl at him. He grins, completely unruffled by my expression. Connor leads Samantha to a chair on the far side of the table then takes the seat beside her. I limp over and sit on her other side. Harrison passes each of us a beer before taking his seat.

“So,” Damon says. “There are some updates regarding the organ theft we need to be aware of?”

“Yes,” Samantha tells him. “There were some developments at work. I think people are being brought to her to have their organs removed.”

“Well, that’s how organ donation works,” Damon says grumpily. “One person gives their organs to another.”

“Yes, but this girl said she was a family member and isn’t,” Samantha shoots back. “She was thin and dirty. All she wanted to do was sleep. I’m telling you now, something isn’t right.” Damon frowns but doesn’t respond.

I place my hand on Samantha’s thigh in support, and her eyes flick to me. She smiles softly in thanks. Looking down, I see my brother has done the same thing. His hand sits on her opposite thigh. We sit together, connected by this beautiful woman between us. Both of us touching her, and her completing us.

“We have a problem,” Connor says, and I know what he’s going to say before he does. “Samantha is working in a department which we suspect is harvesting stolen organs to order. She’s putting herself in danger to gain information.” My brother doesn’t look at me. He’s taking the opportunity to put his opinion on the table before anyone else gets the chance.

“That isn’t a problem,” I say casually. “Having eyes on the inside will be beneficial.”

“I am not putting her in danger,” Connor states, as he straightens in his seat. Harrison sits, not speaking but watching every man in the room’s reaction. “I want her to quit. She shouldn’t be working in a department where we know there’s a potential danger.”

“I’m sitting fucking beside you,” Samantha snaps. “Don’t talk about me as if I’m not here.”

“I won't have you endangering yourself,” he says, his head snapping around to face her. “You need to quit.”

“She doesn’t have to,” I counter. “It isn’t your position to tell her what to do. And we don’t know the whole situation with the organ retrieval or sale.”