“Yes, sir,” the man replies, expressionless, before disappearing back from where he came.
The first blow comes down unexpectedly; Violet's shriek alerts me to what is happening. I dash around the counter, putting myself between my sister and the belt. It catches my back as I turn away in an attempt to lessen the blow. The leather comes down again, harder than the last. The pain sears across my skin as my little sister cowers below me.
“Move,” my father roars. “You will both receive twenty lashes, no exceptions, for disrespecting my home and my rules.” He stands above us, glaring down. I look up at the man meant to keep us safe, and my heart breaks again as it has a thousand times before. His lack of regard for us as his children is soul-destroying. He takes the rule of being seen and not heard to the next level.
Rough hands grab me, pulling me to my feet. Strong fingers bite into my flesh through the material of my shirt. He lifts me, my feet parting from the ground momentarily before he spins me to face the counter.
“Hands there,” he snarls, tapping the granite with his belt. “You too, Violet.” My sister scrambles up beside me and mimics my pose. Her fingers visibly shake, and I place a hand over hers. “My children are exactly that. Mine. You will act as I tell you to, speak when you’re spoken to, and only partake in other activities when you have my express permission.”
“I was only trying to make you a surprise,” Violet sobs as she clutches the ledge. “I wanted to make you happy.”
Our father laughs, loud and nasty. “Happy? Violet, you have been incapable of that every year you’ve had on this planet. You’re here because your mother wanted another child. When you turned out to be a girl, I should have thrown you in the Thames.”
I squeeze her fingers in solidarity; when the tyrant who runs our home is furious, only venom passes his lips. It’s at times like this that I know he hates us. We’re nothing but property he must maintain. On some days, he’s kind and considerate, wanting to discuss our futures and hopes. But every up is met with a faster downward spiral where he knocks us straight back to reality.
I glance over my shoulder as the belt is lifted high into the air. I turn back and screw my eyes closed, but the blow never comes. The sound of a chair being knocked across the room causes Violet and I to spin to see the commotion. Russell has my father by the collar, and he pushes him backward toward the door. Our father thrashes at him with the strap, and my brother takes the blows to his side as if they don’t connect.
“Never touch my brother and sister, you evil bastard,” Russell roars in the older man’s face. In his late teens and with a keen interest in working out, my brother is strong. He pushes firmly as our father steps backward across the tiles. When they reach the door, they both stop.
“Are you quite finished, Russell?” our father asks, calm and collected. My brother, however, looks fit to burst. Redness emanates over his face and fiercely across the back of his neck.
“No,” he snaps back, leaning in closer. “You’re nothing but a fucking bully. Leave them alone, they’re kids.” He pulls at the shirt in his grasp, shaking the man before him.
“And my boy, are you now a man?” The question is laden with threats. “Are you willing to take punishment like a man for your outburst?” Russell’s eyes flick to us still standing at the counter.
“If you spare them,” he says quietly, “you can take your wrath out on me.”
Chapter sixteen
Varley Medical, London
The hospital is quiet on a Sunday night; there are only myself and one other staff member on our floor. Bryan sits at his computer typing away, attempting to catch up on basic administration before the new week starts. He was off unexpectedly last week as one of his sons became ill. The doctor insisted he make up the lost hours or take a cut to his paycheck.
I’m moving between each patient’s room when he calls me over to his desk. “Can you take these to the doctor?” he asks. “Please, every time I’ve seen her today she’s moaned about me being off last week. I can’t take any more whining. Four kids whine enough, I don’t need to hear it at work from a supposed adult.” He looks up and flutters his eyelashes dramatically. “You know you’re my favorite.”
“Bullshit. I bet you tell all the girls that.” I stand directly in front of his desk and place my hands on my hips.
“Sam, you know you are the only nurse on this floor I would consider fucking.” He smiles broadly. “I would even consider letting you wear a strap and fuck me.” I hold out a hand, trying to stop the laughter hissing through my teeth. On the most boring days, Bryan lightens up the ward to no end.
“But I wouldn’t consider allowing you to,” I tell him. “Once you tasted this delicacy…” I wiggle my hips dramatically and place both hands on my breasts as they jiggle, before holding out my hand again. “You would never go back to cock. Not that you’ve had any.”
His cheeks color slightly. His lack of a love life has been a hot topic of conversation in the staffroom. Various ladies have offered to set him up with their sons, friends, nephews, friends of cousins, and any other gay man they know. Bryan has declined all offers.
“I’m worried,” he says softly. “What if…”
“What if what?” I remain standing in front of him, hand extended like a lemon waiting for both the paperwork and his words. “Spit it out.”
“What if I don’t like it?”
“Fucking a man?” I ask. “If you don’t like ass sex, just go back to shagging women. Or stick with blowjobs. There are lots of ways to have sex. Whatever makes you happy.”
“But what if the reality doesn’t live up to the fantasy? It's one thing jerking off to pictures on the internet. It's another to have a man in my bed.”
“You need to find a man willing to get in your bed first. Stop worrying about what hasn’t happened.” Bryan shakes his head and widens his eyes as I speak. I ignore him. He’s hearing this whether he wants to or not.“ You deserve to live your life too. Are you going to give me that paperwork, or do you want to go see the dragon yourself?”
“The dragon is standing directly behind you, Nurse,” my boss says over my shoulder, and I inwardly detonate. Shit. I scowl at my friend, who shrugs his shoulders and gives me a look telling me he tried to warn me. “I’ll collect my own documents, Bryan.” She steps forward and plucks the wad of papers from his hand. “Come and see me when your shift ends, Nurse Coleman. We have some issues to discuss, both personally and professionally.” Without another word, she turns and stalks off toward her office.