Page 18 of Chase

“What’s it?” I ask as he passes it to me. Then, he lifts the tray from my knees and places it on the bedside table.

“You won’t know until you open it. It’s a gift, that’s the idea. It’s a surprise.”

“Smart ass,” I mutter and pull the lid from the plain little box. Inside is soft pink tissue paper wrapped around a small object. I pull the little parcel from its resting place and unwrap it to find a lanyard. The most stunning lanyard I’ve ever seen.

The material is woven strands of gold, black, and silver. Above the clip where you would attach your identification are five small silver charms. I hold it up and stare at what should be a simple functional item, but there is so much more to it.

“I figured you would need one of these for your name badge,” he says quietly, and my eyes flick to him before returning to the little charms. “Each one means something. I thought it would be a good reminder for you about how far you’ve come to get here.”

“It’s beautiful,” I whisper, my emotion surfacing unexpectedly. “Did you pick all these?”

He nods. “The cottage for your childhood. The high-heel for your time dancing. The heart because it was your kind heart that led you to me after you helped Violet.” He pauses, allowing me a moment to digest his explanation. “The law scales is for me because I want you to know I support you even on the toughest days. And finally, the stethoscope because medicine is where your future lies.”

“You’re so thoughtful,” I murmur, then turn and take his face in my hands. “I love it. Thank you.” Our lips connect, and I push my tongue into his mouth. His hands move to my hair, and he starts to climb up on the bed as his bedroom door flies open. “Raincheck,” I whisper.

“Bestie! Today is the day!” Violet’s shriek resonates off the walls. She waddles into the middle of the room, her nine-month-pregnant bump leading the way. Her brother, who has me pinned below him, groans then climbs off the bed. I pull the duvet up over my breasts.

“Timing, Vi,” he says, grumpily. “Your timing, as always, sucks.”

“Yes, I’m a cock block. Now, go away. Let me help my friend here get ready for her first day as a nurse.” She stops directly in front of him; he towers over her small frame. Delicate hands with perfectly painted pink nails land on her hips and she cocks her head to the side. “Go.”

“This is my bedroom. You weren’t allowed in it when we were kids, and the same rules apply as adults. Actually, how did you get in here?”

“Harry gave me his key.” She dangles the little bundle millimeters from his nose. He lifts a hand to snatch them, and she pulls it away to her side.

“Gave you it or did you take it without asking?”

She shrugs, not confirming or denying anything. Then her future husband's voice—they’re due to be married in a matter of weeks—sounds from the hallway.

“Vi, are you in here?” Harrison appears, and I pull the covers further around myself. “Where the fuck are my keys?” She spins the little bundle on her finger and smiles at him. He tries to look aggravated but chuckles, then walks over and wraps his arms around her before dropping a kiss on her nose. “You are such a pain in my ass.”

“Always,” she replies, biting her lip. “How did you find me?”

“You left every fucking door open. It wasn’t a hard trail to follow. Did you find what you were looking for?”

“I did,” she says, turning and gesturing to me, still naked in bed.

“This is my fucking bedroom,” Connor states, his words sharp. “No one should be in here unless invited. You two are the worst fucking neighbors.”

“It could be worse,” Harrison suggests with a grin. “You could live on the same floor as Russell. Come on. Let us go get a coffee and leave these ladies to it.” Connor's attention moves to me and I smile, encouraging him to go.

“I’ll see you before I leave,” I tell him. “My train isn’t until eight-thirty.”

“I’ve delayed my nine o’clock,” he replies. “I’ll drive you.” Before I can respond, he turns and follows Harrison from the bedroom. I watch him leave, my heart fluttering in my chest.

“Oh my word, I love the fact you are dating my brother,” Violet says excitedly, then sits down on the edge of the bed. “I mean, we’ll be sister-in-laws!”

“Calm down, it’s early days. We haven’t put a definition on what this is. And I won’t be walking down any aisle any time soon.”

“Except the contraception one,” she suggests with a smile. “Come on, let's get you ready for your big day.”


Connor takes my hand as we step into the elevator outside his apartment. He hits the button for the underground parking lot, but the glass box that looks out over the city begins to rise toward the penthouse.

“Wrong button?” I say with a smile.

“Russ must have called it before we got in.” My heart sinks slightly. It’s been such a lovely morning, and I’m so looking forward to the first day of my new career. The last person I want to come face to face with is Russell. As my relationship with Connor grows, my awareness of his brother does, too.