Page 7 of Embracing Us

“Can you see how ridiculous this is? I still don’t fully understand why he felt he had to tell you anyway. In some ways, it’s none of your business.” She opens her eyes as wide as they go and leans towards me. “He. Was. Single,” she says clearly, emphasising each word.

“Probably because he didn’t trust Marina to keep her mouth shut,” I reply. “I know my daughter. She loves using her knowledge to her advantage. He’d be worried she’d drop a bomb when he wasn’t looking.”

“This man gets better every time you tell me about him,” she says with a chuckle. “He knew that and came home this morning to tell you. He wanted the information to come from him. In my opinion, he’s done nothing wrong. To be honest, he’s done the best he can in a tricky situation. If the girl hadn’t been Marina’s friend, you would never have known and would’ve continued living on unaware.”

“I know you’re right,” I whisper, sadly. “I’m being ridiculous.”

“Yes, you are,” she agrees. I scowl at her. Sometimes honesty isn’t the best policy; it hits hard. “But it’s completely understandable. Your situation is unique. Life has changed unrecognisably in recent years for you. It’s all right to be unsure. But from what you tell me, you have him wrapped around your little finger. The man dotes on you.”

“I’ll go home,” I say, quietly.


On arriving back at the house, I see Marina’s car parked in the driveway. Great, just what I need. As I pull on the handbrake, I glance up at the living room window. Max is standing with his back to the garden. He turns to the side, Jackson in his arms being fed. Marina appears beside him. I can tell by her expression their conversation isn’t a happy one. Putting this off isn’t an option. I need to go inside and find out what’s going on.

They don’t hear me entering the house. It allows me to stand in the hallway and listen to what’s being said. “She knows Marina,” Max says, calmly. “After meeting you last night, I came home this morning and told her.”

“I wasn’t going to say anything,” she replies.

“We both know that’s not true.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she snaps angrily. “I wouldn’t have upset her without good reason. It’s not as if you slept with Marcy.”

“Would it have changed anything if I had? I was single, Marina. Your mother left me. At that time, I had no idea she would be back in my life. Ever.” His voice is firm. “I couldn’t risk this coming back and biting me in the ass. I’ve too much to lose. Your mum and Jackson mean the world to me. They’re my everything.” My heart melts as I listen on.

“You’re so fucking cringy. Pass me the sick bucket,” she hisses. I hear movement and quickly re-close the front door loudly, so they know I’m here. Max appears in front of me within moments, our son firmly in his arms.

“Linda,” he says, “you’re back. Let’s talk about this, please.” I walk over to him and graze my fingers against his cheek. He closes his eyes under my touch.

“It’s okay,” I whisper. “You did nothing wrong. I understand. You were single. I’m sorry for running out earlier. I needed some time to think.” He kisses my palm. “I’m all right now.” We walk back into the living room together. Marina is standing staring blankly at old family photos on the wall. “Hello, darling, how was your night?” I ask.

“Interesting,” she responds, turning and looking at Max.

“Yes, Marina,” I say, decisively. This needs to be nipped in the bud, immediately. She needs a clear message that our relationship is none of her business. “I know what you found out, and I’m aware of the situation. It’s irrelevant. Max and I weren’t together. I don’t want to hear any more about it. Let’s draw a line under the revelation and move on. Are you staying for dinner?” Her mouth thins to a line, but she says nothing in challenge.

Our evening passes quietly. I made a simple dinner which the three of us ate. Marina leaves around eight o’clock to head back to the apartment. I’m sitting on our bed giving Jackson his bedtime feed when Max opens the door and strolls in. He’s been for a shower and is only wearing a white towel around his waist. My heart leaps from my chest as his focus locks on me. Jackson continues to drink his milk greedily, completely oblivious to my rocketing heart rate.

His father holds my gaze as he climbs onto the bed beside me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders whilst touching his son’s cheek with his other hand. “You’re both my everything,” he whispers, his nose brushing my ear. “I was terrified it was all ending today.” I close my eyes with regret. I can’t keep running from him when things get tough; it causes us both too much pain. We watch our son intently as he finishes his bottle then drifts off to sleep.

“I’ll put him to bed,” I say. We moved his crib into the other bedroom this evening. The three of us being cooped up together leaves little space for intimacy. I slide off the bed and go to Marina’s room, placing Jackson in his cot. After checking the baby monitor is switched on, I move to the bathroom. In the cupboard under the sink, I stashed some sexy lingerie earlier, in case the opportunity arose to reconnect with him. Tonight feels like the night this needs to happen; I want to be with him again, entirely.

The red lace is delicate between my fingers. I hold the all-in-one piece up in front of me, staring at the scrap of material. After shrugging out of the fluffy dressing gown I’m wearing, I pour myself into the supposedly sexy suit. There’s nothing appealing about putting it on. I pull and pinch at it, attempting to get the bits to sit on the correct pieces of skin. There’s hardly anything to it. It barely covers my breasts, and the thong sits snugly between my cheeks. This is a new venture for me. Never have I had such an item in my wardrobe. With one last look in the mirror, I run my fingers through my dark curls, pulling a few forward onto my face, then return to our bedroom.

Max is lying where I left him, sprawled across the top of the duvet with only the towel at his waist. He glances up from his phone when I enter, and his eyes pop open. I give him a shy smile, biting my lip. “I love your new bedroom attire,” he says. “Come here and give me a closer look.” He places his phone on the bedside table and moves to sit on the edge of the bed, then holds his hands out to take mine. I walk towards him slowly. “You look incredible,” he growls. “I’m not sure I’ll be much use to you tonight. You’ve got me overexcited already.”

I stand between his knees, and we stare at each other for a few minutes as he holds my hands. His eyes are dark with arousal, which speaks directly to my body causing my nipples to harden. My skin prickles in anticipation. I lean forward and kiss him, softly. Our eyes close as my tongue dances with his. At first it is gentle and sweet, but as our excitement builds, our kiss deepens until my hands are in his hair pulling him towards me. “Are you sure, Beautiful?” he says, breathless against my lips. My eyes open and focus on his.

“Yes. I want to.”

He kisses me again, running his hands from my shoulders across the lace at my waist then pulling me onto his lap with my ass. My legs wrap around him, and I feel his cock hard against my pussy. I grind against him, and he groans. “Don’t do that. I’ll shoot my load before I’m even inside you,” he chides, nipping my lower lip. “Give me a chance.”

“Are you a sex-starved teenager this evening?” I whisper, then blow softly on his neck. He chuckles.

“You’ve no idea, Beautiful. No idea, how much I want you right now.”

“Think about the least sexy thing you can, that should help calm you down,” I suggest.

“What would you propose? Give me a few examples to work with,” he says. I cock my head to one side and tap my finger on my lips.