Page 11 of Embracing Us

“Max,” Linda whispers, “it’s all right. It’s in the past.”

“No, it’s not. If it was, you’d have wanted to come here today. You wouldn’t have been up at three this morning worrying about our visit.” I look at her, giving her what I hope is a reassuring smile. “You want a relationship with your brother. You told me that. If that’s going to happen, then he needs to accept that you’re living your own life. One he has no place to judge.”

“My problem is your age,” Derek interjects, and I bring my focus back to him. I’ve been waiting for him to say it out loud.

“I appreciate I’m younger, but I’m not a child. Do you not think you’re letting preconceived ideas cloud your judgement? Made assumptions before you’ve even met me?” His wife’s eyes are moving between her husband and me. I know he can be explosive; I’m waiting for the detonation. My eyes hold his. He’s not wriggling out of this conversation. He’ll face what he said to Linda and apologise for it.

“Derek,” May says, softly, “this isn’t our situation to comment on. Linda is happy, and Max obviously dotes on her. They have a beautiful son. I don’t want to miss out on any more.” Her eyes fill with tears. He glances at her, astonishment flitting across his face. He’s not used to her giving an opinion that doesn’t line up with his. “Derek,” she warns, again, “they’re our family. Don’t let your prejudices get in the way of that. Please.”

Everyone in the room holds their breath as we wait for his reaction. Even Jackson lies silently in his mother’s arms. From what Linda has told me, May never challenges her husband. He is used to being the man in charge. His eyes drop to his hands twisting in front of him. He’s considering his options. Eventually, he mutters, “Ok, I’ll keep my opinions to myself. I’m sorry, Linda, for upsetting you.”

May hurries towards Linda, arms wide, ready to embrace her nephew. She cradles my son in her arms, a wide grin splitting her face. Linda turns to her brother, relief evident on her features. “Thank you, Derek,” she whispers, emotion cracking her voice. “I love you both very much.” She stands, walks over to him, then leans down to kiss his cheek. “I love you, brother,” she says, again.