Page 54 of Embracing Us

Chapter twenty-three


4 weeks later….

My aunt’s face fills the computer screen. She’s smiling broadly as Crystal squeezes in the frame beside her. Even though I know biologically she is my mother, I doubt I’ll ever consider her that. My mum was my mum. Susan will always be my aunt – the woman who gave me sweeties when she shouldn’t and kicked a ball around the garden. Being a mother isn’t an interchangeable position, but she isn’t looking for me to call her mum.

Since finding out about my parentage, I’ve had both highs and lows to process. Positively, I know the truth. There isn’t a dark secret which could be uncovered on Susan’s deathbed that I would have no means of confirming. She will have some peace in having told me the facts before her health deteriorates beyond her control. Negatively, the people I called my parents aren’t here to tell me their side of the tale. Namely, why they chose to offer me a home, and if that decision meant they had no biological children of their own. Most likely these are questions I’ll never have the answer to, but it doesn’t stop me wondering.

“So where are our adventurers checking in from today?” I ask the two women staring at me from the other side of the world. They phone every couple of days via Skype. It has been a recent revelation for them, the ability to video call. They are loving the concept a little too much.

“Rio De Janeiro,” they cry in unison. “And it is amazing!” Genuine excitement bursts from them. Every phone call is filled with an in-depth description of where they’ve been and what they’ve seen on their travels. I had been concerned the three-month cruise would be too much for my aunt, but it is clear she is loving the experience.

“We have a sightseeing tour today. I cannot wait to see Brazil,” Aunt Susan says, then taps her lip with her index finger. “What is the name of our tour guide again?” She glances at her companion. Her eyes roll in her sockets as she thinks. My aunt used to remember everything. Her forgetfulness is becoming more noticeable with each communication.

“Martin,” Crystal tells her with a smile. “You should see him, Maxy. I may not be bringing this woman home. A certain gentleman has taken a shine to her.” She grabs Susan’s shoulder and wiggles it playfully. “Still got it, you old vixen. That man is practically drooling over you.”

“Too much information,” I mutter. “Just make sure you come home, even if you need to bring Mr Loverboy with you.”

“A holiday romance worked for you,” Crystal says. “Though you certainly took the shotgun approach to snaring your woman. Knock her up then she can’t run away.” I laugh, snorting through my nose unexpectedly. “Very charming, Romeo,” she teases.

“That all seems so long ago now. I kind of forget how we ended up here. The months move so fast. It’s hard to keep up.” I pause, taking a moment to look at the woman who has been instrumental in my upbringing as well as my creation. “Well, Aunt Susan, if a nice man wants to show you a good time, you have my permission to take him up on his offer.” She grins at me but shakes her head.

“No, no. I’m enjoying spending these days with my best friend. My rock. The last thing I need is a man cluttering up the place.”

“I’m glad you’re both enjoying yourselves.” I want to ask how she’s feeling but bite my tongue. Any reference to her health upsets her. My aunt has parcelled up her impending deterioration and placed it neatly on the shelf until she is required to deal with it. I don’t blame her. Nothing can be done to stop the bleak process; I would want to hide from it as well.

“So, what does my favourite family have planned this week?” Crystal asks, filling the void in conversation. “Are you looking after that beautiful wife and son of yours?”

“Always,” I reply. “Linda’s friend Rhian is visiting us from London. She arrives today. I know the girls have a few plans that involve me stepping up as babysitter.”

“You’re not babysitting when it’s your child,” Crystal scolds me, and Susan giggles. “It’s called stepping up to your fatherly duties.” I roll my eyes at the screen.

“He always does,” Linda says, appearing behind me. She places warm lips on my cheek then turns and smiles into the camera. “Hello, beautiful ladies. Are you both behaving? Or have you been banned from any countries yet?” The two women laugh out loud, then glance conspiratorially at one another. “I will take that as a yes,” Linda mutters. “I’m leaving to go and collect Rhian at the airport. I’ll speak to you all later.”

“Drive carefully, Beautiful.” I lift my hand and place it on her hip. She smiles down at me. “Watch the junction…” Her expression darkens, and I close my jaws tight.

“I don’t need a driving lesson. I’m perfectly capable of driving to and from the airport. I’ll see you in an hour or so.” She skips off out the door, leaving me chatting with my aunt and Crystal whilst Jackson snores quietly in his crib.

“Send in the backup,” I say with a smirk. “By the end of this week, I may need a holiday to recover from having two women here bossing me around.”

“You should be used to it,” Susan retorts. “We’ve been ordering you around for years.”

“That is true,” I agree. “Anyway, ladies, I best be going. Work to do as someone left me running their hotel whilst they’re away sunning themselves.”

“Not guilty,” my aunt snaps playfully, holding her hands up in surrender. “Bye Max. Give that beautiful baby a kiss from us.”

“Will do.”

They end the call, and my computer returns to the home screen. Standing, I wander over to look at my son sleeping soundly. “You have the right idea, little man,” I tell him. “Think I’ll grab forty winks when the coast is clear. We are in for a busy week ahead with what your mother has planned.” Moving over to the bed, I lie down and close my eyes. The gentle sound of the lapping water from the beach floating through the open doors sends me off to sleep within minutes.

“Working hard?” Linda’s voice wakes me from my slumber. When I open my eyes, she is sitting on the bed at my side staring down at me. The simple green summer dress she is wearing scoops at the neck, exposing her breasts. She trails her fingers across my abs, then slides them under my t-shirt.

“Sorry, I must have fallen asleep. Did you get Rhian okay?”

“Yes, she’s unpacking in her room. And Jackson is still in dreamland. What could we do to pass the time?” she says, sexily. Dipping from the waist, she lowers her mouth to mine and kisses me, her tongue sliding between my lips to dance with mine. I harden instantly. My wife is making it very clear what she wants. Even more so when her roaming fingers move beneath my shorts and wrap around my cock. She holds me tight as I expand further in her grasp.

“This is the best wake-up call ever,” I tell her. “I want to taste you, Beautiful. Come sit here. I suspect you may be wet in anticipation. Have you been having dirty thoughts about me?” I tap my lips, and she giggles before standing to drop her knickers. She climbs on top, straddling my face then lowers herself down. Her dress surrounds me, creating a cocoon. The only light is the daylight that seeps through the thin linen.