Page 51 of Embracing Us

Max had stayed on the roof terrace, lying on his lounger under the sun, contemplating what to do next. I returned to Susan’s apartment to show my support. An hour later, he appeared back at his aunt’s willing to hear the rest of her story. He listened silently whilst she told him of finding out she was five months pregnant at eighteen years old. How her parents had given her an ultimatum – abortion or adoption. Her sister, Max’s known mother, had stepped up and agreed to take the baby with her husband. The promise: the baby was never to know.

“I watched you grow up,” Susan told him. “Then I was lucky enough to spend time with you as your aunt. Time passed, and you would come to Spain. They were precious moments for me to have. I never planned to tell you, but being faced with this illness made me question the decision.”

“Why?” he asked, the annoyed tone of earlier shifting towards curiosity.

“We both know I will lose control of my mind before my body,” she stated plainly. “The last thing I wanted to do was tell you something in a moment of madness that you would never be able to verify. This way, you know what I’m telling you is true.”

“Thank you.” The two words were simple but sincere. “I need some time, Aunt Susan, to process all this,” he said, and she nodded. “We will talk again, but now, I want to go and be with my wife and son.” He’d ushered us out of the door, and we’d taken a long walk around the bustling markets of the town. Max didn’t mention the revelations, just held my hand and talked about inane everyday life. But I knew his mind was processing everything that had been said, and he knew I was there for him every step of the way.


Now, we are standing in the reception area of the hotel waiting for Susan and Crystal to appear. They are heading off on their around-the-world cruise today, departing this evening from Barcelona. They have a plane to catch at Malaga Airport later this morning.

Max and Susan have spoken every day since she told him of his parentage. He’s listened and understands the complications she was faced with as a teenager. It does little to soften the sting in his eyes. I’ve noticed his concern for her illness has increased though, which is what he is currently worrying about as we wait. I do my best to alleviate his fears, but there is little I can say to speed up the process of acceptance.

The two women appear, each with a gigantic suitcase. Max walks over and takes each of them. “Your taxi arrived ten minutes ago,” he tells them. Crystal tuts and waves the comment away. He disappears out the front door with the bags. I see him through the open doorway loading them into the back of the SUV. He reappears moments later. I stand and go to join the group.

“Well ladies,” I say, trying to take control of the situation. “Have the most amazing time. Enjoy every moment and remember to call us with updates.”

“We will,” Susan says, wrapping her arms around me and Jackson. “Goodbye, little man.” She kisses the top of his head then turns to Max. “I love you,” she says. My heart aches for them. Mother and son. “Thank you for staying to look after here. And thank you for turning into the most beautiful man.” He takes her in his arms and holds her tight.

“I love you too,” he whispers. “Now go and have a trip of a lifetime.”