Chapter seven
“The package has been delivered successfully,” I announce, pushing open our bedroom door. “Having childcare on tap could be something that is easy to get used to.”
“Was Jackson okay being left? He doesn’t know them,” Linda asks when I find her standing in the centre of the room dressed in a simple pink cotton dress to her knees with an oversized white sunhat on her head. Her hair hangs loose beneath it, sitting in waves that finish at her shoulders. She slips her bare feet into shocking-blue plastic sandals which match the colour of her toenails. Her eyes fix on mine, and the familiar sensation of arousal courses through me. I want her. I always want her.
“He was fine,” I say, hoping to convey reassurance. Since his birth, one of us has always been with him. This is the first adult time we’ve had together in months with no chance of interruption. “Susan and Crystal will be second-guessing every decision they make. Between them, I’m sure they’ll keep him alive.” She smiles softly, then her eyes drop shyly from mine. “You look scorching by the way.” I walk over and slide my arms around her neat waist, then drop my mouth to hers. Our lips connect gently, and she closes her eyes. “What do you want to do?” I whisper, against the soft pink flesh. “Stay in or go out?”
“If we stay here, they’ll all know what we’re up to,” she replies, a rosy glow graces her cheeks. My lips move to her ear.
“I’m pretty certain they already know we have sex.” She giggles, and the sound speaks directly to my cock. My arms tighten around her, needing to feel the length of her against me. “Unless they think Jackson was a result of immaculate conception.”
“If that was the case, I’m sure all of Crystal’s fantasies of how he was created would be ruined. We’ve only been here twenty-four hours, and the subject of when it happened has been raised countless times. No doubt she will start asking me how too.” She rolls her eyes, and I chuckle.
“We better not ruin Crystal’s dreams then. We need to keep up the charade that we do have sex, by actually having sex.” I kiss her, again. “So, are we staying in or going out?” I flex my hardening cock against her hip bone. “Please say we can stay in.”
“Let’s go out for a little while,” she says. I fake a groan of annoyance and her hands move to my hair. Playing with the strands between her fingers, she tugs on them gently. “Fresh air and a swim in the ocean will do us some good,” she advises. “We can lie on the beach and not worry about having to change any nappies. It will be satisfying.”
“We could do other things in bed, be satisfied, and not worry about changing nappies,” I argue, playfully.
“Max,” she purrs, fluttering her eyelashes demurely. “A little while outside then we can come back here and you can do any depraved thing you want to me.” I raise my eyebrows. She cocks her head to one side then runs her tongue across her bottom lip.
“Anything?” I question.
“Anything,” she replies, a naughty smile playing on her lips.
“Deal,” I tell her. “But remember this promise you made when I have you begging for mercy. I have your permission to do anything, no U-turns. Tonight that body of yours is all mine to do as I please.”
“Do with as you please,” she corrects, and I laugh, shaking my head.
“No, Beautiful. I’ll do you however I please.” Her breathing hitches, the air catching in her throat. “And I plan to do lots of wicked immoral things to you until we return to our parental duties.”
“We better go,” she says, changing the subject and wriggling from my arms. “I want to at least see the ocean one more time. The look in your eyes tells me today may be my last night on earth. I might detonate on orgasm.”
“I think there is a compliment in there somewhere.” She steps forward and rises up on her toes, placing her lips at the base of my throat. Her breath tickles my skin. My mouth dries.
“There is most certainly a compliment in there,” she agrees, taking my hand in hers then tugging me towards the door. “Though you already know that, and now you’re fishing for praise on your lovemaking skills.”
“Beautiful, I don’t need you to tell me I’m good in bed. That pussy of yours shows me time and again. It’s all the appreciation I need. My mouth, your juices. It is indulgent gratification at its best.” We are standing at the door when she turns to face me. Her breathing has deepened again, like it does every time she’s turned on. “Are you going to open the door?” I ask her.
“Yes,” she says firmly, and lifts her hand to twist the handle. “I need fresh air.”
We stroll hand in hand, not speaking. In my free hand, I carry a cool box filled with snacks and drinks. My arm spasms supporting its weight. I should swap hands, but don’t want to unlink our fingers. Her delicate bones feel perfect in mine; they have since the first moment I held her last year.
Linda has a soft blue canvas beach bag over her shoulder, a huge sun like a child would draw decorates the material. Inside are all our essentials: towels, fly spray and suncream. We never discussed where we were going, it was obvious where it needed to be. Back to our secluded beach that only the locals know, the place where she took off her dress and seized my heart in the process.
The cove looks the same as it did twelve months ago, clear blue water edged with white sand. The gentle waves lap the shore as the huge palm leaves sway in the warm breeze. As always, there are a few small groups of beachgoers enjoying the summer sun. We head directly to the same tree we sat under last year and spread out our towels. Without hesitation, Linda lifts her dress over her head and lets it fall to the sand. Her hat going with it gives me a sense of deja vous, the same happened last year. But this summer, she is confident standing in front of me in only her bikini.
“Your turn,” she says with a smile. “Are you going to take them off? Or do I have to throw you in the water with them on?” I laugh out loud, surprised by the memory.
“Do you remember everything I said to you last year?” I ask, and she shakes her head.
“I wish I did, but certain things are ingrained in here.” She taps the side of her head. “That afternoon we spent here being one of them.” Her breasts rise and fall, sitting pert in her simple red bikini. My eyes hold hers, then drop down her luscious body, taking in every detail. Her hands move to her stomach, covering the small fold in her skin our son created. I move towards her and take them in mine.
“Never cover your body from me. Beautiful, to me, you are perfection.”
“You’re stalling,” she whispers, darkly. “Get your kit off. I want to see those abs.” One hand releases mine, and she slips her fingers beneath my t-shirt, running the tips over my skin. “Actually, I want to see a lot more than that.” A single finger runs under the waistband of my shorts. “A lot more.”