“What do our brothers know?” I growled, rolling her on her side, facing me and lifting her leg onto my hip. “Tell us if you feel pain or want to stop. You were badly injured.”

“I coughed a lot, too,” she said.

“You’re not coughing now,” Drake put in, lying behind her and reaching between her legs to bring her wetness to her back hole. “Aren’t you nervous?”

“No.” Jasmine worked her leg higher, opening herself wider to us. “Horny, but not nervous.”

“And maybe a little naughty?” I laughed and pushed inside then stopped, waiting for Drake to stretch her wide enough to join me in the rear. We’d promised to do this one day, and there was no better time I could think of. She was always tight, but with my friend sharing her body, she was impossibly so.

“Not naughty, but maybe very bad.” She moaned, tossing her head and shivering all over.

“No, I think very good.” Drake gave me a nod and we began to move in tandem. Pacing ourselves as best we could. It wasn’t going to be long, for sure, but our mate couldn’t be left behind. Her sheath tightened around me as she found her climax, and Drake’s shout followed. My cum shot into her in jets, and then we all lay in a heap, kissing and breathing hard.

After a few minutes, Drake said, “Jasmine, weren’t you going to call your friends?”

She giggled. “Yes, but I don’t know what happened to my phone.”



We did find my phone, but by the time we did, we’d gotten distracted again and I didn’t call my friends for about an hour. At this rate, I was going to need a vacation from all this mating. Not that I wanted to take a break. I couldn’t get enough of these men, and their loving. Did that first time with both of them inside my body hurt?

More than I’d ever let them know, but was it worth it?

Yes. And the next time, it was much more comfortable but equally as hot.

And then they insisted I move to the bedroom next to mine. It was the main suite, gorgeous and with room for all of us.

Anything they wanted to do, I was there for it, new experiences all the time.

My friends had sneakily paid off my student loans as soon as I downloaded the app and refused to take anything in return. Anya claimed that in their minds, this was how I won the bet and wanted to know when they could come to visit. Thinking of my mates’ line of work, I suggested we all rent a big house at a lake next summer together…all us mated couples. Michelle and her hubby too.

It felt good, talking about couple things for once, even if we were a threesome. But the girls thought that was extra great and only gave me a little grief over my refusal to have a big white wedding so they could be bridesmaids. I didn’t need that, our mating everything I could ever dream of. I’d spent enough time and energy at weddings for a lifetime. Much more fun to spend a week swimming and sunning and riding Jet Skis and everything that made lake vacations fun.

But for now, I had another project. My shifters had managed to get me a security clearance so I could be part of the company. I didn’t know much yet, and I mostly still did my own work, but the clearance and adding my name to the business enabled me to work in the basement without anyone complaining about my seeing their work. Yes, they did cybersecurity, but it was actually more intelligence analysis, which explained the secrecy even more. No wonder they spent the week after the keypad entry failed on the basement upgrading. Now we had to use a retina scan to get in, and they also added solar panels and batteries to keep us from being subject only to a generator. It was great, but for some reason, it just never kicked on. More fail-safes were the way to go.

I didn’t know how they did it because I didn’t have the background or knowledge, but I finally decided it was not because of anything I had done but because I hadn’t done anything wrong. And my desk was right in the corner where I’d landed after tripping over a cord and causing all that damage. My first week’s salary paid the deductible for the insurance and after that, it all just went into a savings account for travel and other fun adventures.

Not bad for a girl who only months before was always a bridesmaid and never a bride. Now, I was a mate, in love with two males who made me feel like a princess every day of my life, and I did my best to show them how much I loved and appreciated them in return. My heart was so full I didn’t know how I’d stand any more happiness, but I had a little something to tell my guys when they got back from town.

And I was pretty sure they’d be the best daddies ever.