I've tried so hard to be better, to contain the monster within. For Eve. Always for Eve. But now... now the monster is exactly what I need to be.
I let go.
The change ripples through me, bones cracking and reshaping, muscles bulging, horns elongating. My skin hardens into scales, claws extending from my fingertips. The world sharpens, every sense heightened to a painful degree.
I am rage incarnate.
I am vengeance.
I am coming for what's mine.
With a roar that shakes the very ground, I charge into the camp. The first guard doesn't even have time to raise the alarm before my claws tear through his throat. The second manages a strangled cry before I crush his skull like an overripe fruit.
Chaos erupts. Men scramble for weapons, women scream, children cry. But their fear, their panic, only fuels my frenzy.
I tear through them like a force of nature. Swords try to swipe at my hardened skin, but the blades shatter against my scales. I am unstoppable, a juggernaut of destruction.
A group tries to rush me, thinking strength in numbers will save them. Fools. I grab the first, using him as a club to batter the others. Bodies fly, bones snap, blood sprays.
Through it all, one thought burns in my mind: Eve. Where is Eve?
I spot Zane, the leader, trying to slip away in the chaos. With inhuman speed, I'm on him, lifting him by the throat.
"Where. Is. She?" I growl, my voice a guttural, demonic sound.
His eyes, wide with terror, flick towards a large tent at the center of the camp. I smile, a horrific baring of fangs.
"Thank you," I say, before ripping him in half.
I storm towards the tent, cutting down anyone foolish enough to get in my way. With one swipe of my claws, I tear the canvas open.
And there she is. Eve. My Eve. Chained, bruised, but alive. Her eyes widen as she sees me, a mix of relief and fear in her gaze.
"Mordakus?" she whispers.
The sound of her voice, weak but unbroken, snaps me back to myself. The red haze of rage recedes, leaving clarity in its wake.
Gently, so gently, I break her chains. I scoop her into my arms, cradling her against my chest. "I've got you," I murmur. "You're safe now."
As I carry her out of the camp, I feel my demon form receding. By the time we reach the edge of the camp, I'm back to my usual self - battered, exhausted, but human.
I set Eve down carefully, checking her for serious injuries. She seems physically okay, but her eyes... There's a haunted look there that breaks my heart.
"Eve," I say softly. "It's over. They can't hurt you anymore."
She nods, tears streaming down her face. "You came for me," she sobs. "You saved me."
I pull her close, my own eyes stinging. "Always," I promise. "I'll always come for you, Eve."
As we hold each other under the star-filled sky, I make a silent vow. No matter what it takes, no matter how far we have to go, I will keep Eve safe. Because she's not just my companion anymore. She's my heart, my soul, my reason for being.
But I know the horrors she's witnessed - both at the hands of her captors and from my own brutal rescue - will haunt her. She's gentle, a nurturer, a creator of life. Not a destroyer like me.
I reach into my pack, pulling out a strip of cloth. "Eve," I say, my voice gruff with emotion. "Do you trust me?"
She nods without hesitation. "With my life."
I hold up the cloth. "Then I need you to wear this. As a blindfold."