Page 80 of Triple Play

Not the selfish part that’s still lying to Blake. A lie that hangs thick in the room. “Everyone has flaws,” I say.

Felix laughs lightly. “Sure, mine is how much we’re talking when I could be doing something better.” He takes my hand, examines my nails. They’re gel acrylics painted a tasteful pink, far demurer than what I used to wear. “Too bad your nails are so short,” he says. “I was looking forward to you digging them into my back.”

“I’ll have to get them redone in—” Florida. But I cut myself off. By the time we get to Florida, Felix might be playing for an entirely different team. This is for tonight. Only tonight. Anything more than that is a dream. The three of us together—I don’t know how that would even work. I learned a long time ago that the problem with dreams is that you wake up. So I press the edge of a nail into Felix’s shoulder. “I’ll do my best to leave a few souvenirs.”

He turns to Blake, who’s watching, eyes bright. He strokes his cock idly through the gray fabric of his boxer briefs. “You mind me walking around covered in your girl’s scratch marks?” Felix asks.

Not just his girl. Though I can’t say that. Our, our, our. A word that hums in time with my pulse. “C’mon.” I skim my nails down Felix’s shoulders, hard enough that a second later, his skin comes up in pink lines. Something that’ll fade soon, but for now, it’s enough.

Felix returns his attention to my body. He pushes down the waistband of my panties, kisses a faint puckered mark there, then repeats the process around my waist, up the interior of my thighs. Time stretches as he makes his way around, until my legs are shaking, until I dig my nails harder into his shoulders, leaving half-moons.

He smiles up at me, smug. “You want something?”

You. Both of you. “Put your mouth on me.”

“I was.” Another grin. “Here I thought you were direct.”

Nearby, Blake makes a noise—an inhaled bite of air. Oh, this isn’t for me, entirely. Or if it is, it’s also for him. To know what it’s like to say everything you want out loud. To know what it’s like to trust a partner to tell you what they want.

“That’s how it is, Felix?” I laugh. “And here I thought you liked to eat.”

That gets Felix’s growl. He pushes my panties down my thighs, parts me with his thumbs, displaying my pussy to the warm cabin air. Draws a finger through my slick. “She’s so wet.”

He extends his forefinger, taps the tip of it right at Blake’s lips. For a second neither goes further than that.

Then slowly Blake opens his mouth. Darts his tongue. Tastes me off Felix’s skin. “Hmm…seems like you got some work to do.”

Felix laughs, that boom of laughter that vibrates against my thighs. “Fine, fine, but you gotta return the favor.”

“You gonna spend the whole night passing me between you?” I ask. Even as my body lights up with the possibility.

Felix shakes his head. “We’re gonna spend the whole night making sure you’re squirming in the front seat of that car tomorrow.” Then he reapplies himself to my pussy. He kisses me, brief, fast, flicks his tongue over my clit. A tease that leaves wanting.

I dig my nails into his shoulders, hard, drawing a grunt. A that’s it. Before he tongues me unsatisfyingly again. It’s different from last night, from Blake’s hesitation, his uncertainty. This is a tease that knows it’s a tease.

I clench my eyes shut in frustration. “More.” I need a hand, a mouth, either of their cocks. Or both of them. A whine forms in my throat.

“You want something else?” Felix chuckles slightly at my frantic nod. “You bring anything to play with in that suitcase of yours?”

It takes a second to register what he means. Did he hear me that night, after Blake went to sleep, fucking myself with a vibrator? When I imagined them both on the other side of the wall, ready to give me whatever I wanted. Heat travels up my spine. “Maybe,” I gasp.

“Which pocket is maybe stashed in?”

“The large interior one. It’s in a bag.”

Felix slides out from between my legs, then lays out my suitcase. The zipper is loud in the quiet of the room.

I don’t want to look at Blake in case he’s one of those guys who minds. Still, I sneak a glance at him. He’s sitting up, intrigued, examining the muscular line of Felix’s back. “You okay with this?” I ask him.

Maybe Blake can tell there’s another question caught up in that one. He rolls toward me, drops a kiss to my hair. “I like that you can take care of yourself,” he says. “But I want to take care of you too.”

My heart stutters. I’ve felt so lucky since I met him: lucky that a man like him would make time for someone like me. Lucky that he’s too sweet to suspect anything happened between me and Felix.

Now I feel lucky in a whole different way. Especially when Blake settles himself at my back, supporting me, while Felix resumes kneeling on the floor. From this position, I can see our reflections in the window, the three of us together.

Felix must see me looking because he glances over his shoulder. “You gonna watch yourself come apart?”

As if he knows I spent my time dancing always in control: thinking about how I could get men to look at me, to pay to touch me, to leave the club craving more. Always with that whisper at the back of my mind of what would happen if I failed.