“I only tried to steal your ring. I gave it back.”

“And my finger.”

“I gave back your finger too!”

Noticing my raised voice, PomPom dashes to my side and resumes her stance, growling at him. BonBon follows her cue and does the same.

Aw, my little army!

He stares at us for moments on end before he bursts out laughing.

“You are a breath of fresh air, female.”

“I have a name, you know.” I cross my arms over my chest. “It’s Barbi.”

“Well, Barbi. I am pleased I allowed you to follow me. I have not laughed this much in…eons.”

“You…allowed me?” I repeat, scandalized.

“You were not exactly quiet.” He smiles.

“What? I was very quiet.”

“Has anyone else told you that you think out loud? Because you do. It was quite entertaining to listen to it.”

I gawk at him and it slowly dawns on me. He stopped at the river because I worried about my stinky hide. He got food because I was starving. He let me steal the food.

My anger melts away as my heart grows larger in my chest. My cheeks warm up, and it’s not due to the proximity to the fire. No, it’s all because of him.

I suddenly look away.

“Oh,” I murmur. “Thank you.”

He nods at me, and instead of saying anything, he just places another piece of meat in my hand.

My heart. It’s so big it’s about to burst.

I turn my eyes to him as I munch on the piece of meat, attempting to show him my gratitude.

“What is your name? You never told me.”

“You never asked.” An amused smile plays at his lips.

When he smiles like that, he’s even more breathtaking, and not as intimidating as before. God, I could watch him for days on end.

I slide closer.

“So? What is your name?” I ask, taking another bite of meat.

He turns, his face mere inches away from mine.

His gaze meets mine, and I forget to breathe. As in, I actually forget to breathe—so much so I have to take a big gulp of air to not suffocate. Which ultimately causes me to choke on my food. If I was embarrassed then, I’m about to bury my head in the sand when uncontrollable hiccups overtake me.

My eyes widen, and I slap my hand over my mouth.

It’s in vain, though, as the sounds are rather loud and distracting.

“I’m not a pig, I swear.” Hiccup. “I was just hungry and…” Hiccup. “I think I ate too fast.” Hiccup. “But I promise you I have better manners than this.” Hiccup. “If you took me out to eat, I wouldn’t embarrass you and?—”