“The dogs, huh?” He raises a brow at me.


“Was it also the dogs that prompted you to follow me?” he questions.

“Uhm, yes? They only met you briefly, but they’re big fans. Very, very big fans.”

“I see.” He nods. He still has the meat in his hands, and while he’s distracted by my poor excuse for stalking him, I grab the rest of the meat and stuff it in my mouth. At least this way, even if he kicks me to the curb, my stomach will at least be full.

He blinks in surprise.

I chew fast, my arms already searching for PomPom and BonBon to dash out if need be—not that it would help. He has a dark cloud! I’m sure he’ll catch up to me. But maybe he’ll give me bonus points for the lousy attempt.

“There is more meat. You do not have to hide in the bushes.”

I swallow the last of the food before I give him my best puppy-eyed look.

“You will give me more?”

I add some eyelash flutter, too, just in case.

He shakes his head at me and turns his back.

“Come,” he calls out as he heads back to the fire.

Not one to lose this important chance, I get PomPom and BonBon and follow after him. I let the two play around within eyesight as I take a seat next to him by the fire.

Without waiting for his approval, I dive in, pulling some more meat from the bird carcass.

“I thought your big, bad boyfriend would have come for you by now,” he adds in a lazy voice, leaning back to study me.

It’s at that moment that I slow down my eating, remembering my manners. I cannot have him shun me because I behave like a pig, now, can I?

“He’s…busy.” I make up the excuse. “He’s somewhere around doing some evil things. You know how it is with those villains,” I add nervously, waving my hand around. “They’re always looking for the next morally questionable thing to do.”

My nervous ramble has made an appearance. Not good.

“So you decided to follow me instead?” he asks, amused.

PomPom has found her way to his side, sniffing his hands before plopping herself on his lap. He doesn’t seem to mind it. In fact, he’s petting her absentmindedly as he continues to stare at me with those wicked eyes of his.

“Ah, well…” I murmur.

Damn it! Why does he have to be nice to PomPom? Now that makes him a thousand times more attractive.

My eyes dip to his hands. Big, manly hands.

I gulp down.

“I didn’t properly thank you for saving me. You did. Save me, that is. And I thank you.”


“You have now thanked me. Consider us even.”

He places PomPom to his side as he prepares to get up—and presumably leave. Again.

I panic.