Holding me with one arm, he uses the other to move the soldiers aside, parting the crowd as if he were Moses himself. But the guards don’t just move to the side. They turn to dust as they hit the wall, leaving the path clear for us to go forward.
I blink in distress that slowly turns to awe.
Did that… Did that just happen? Did he turn people into dust?
It’s like I’m in a fantasy movie! My excitement rises and I squeak giddily. Of course, this is not a good thing, nor do I condone violence. But these people were about to commit violence against us—never mind the fact that I was going to be sacrificed for whatever pagan ritual psycho Damian had in mind. I believe this constitutes extenuating circumstances.
My savior continues to turn every guard into dust and I cheer him on, pointing right and left as I see another head our way. The other prisoners clamor as they see us leave the dungeon, and this guy proves that he’s not all good looks, he has a heart too as he opens all the cages and lets the rest of the prisoners go.
“My, you’re so strong,” I murmur as I pat his biceps appreciatively. I guess I should thank Ivan now for putting me in the same cell as my mysterious savior.
As we exit the dungeon, the sun shines brightly in the sky.
I take a big gulp of fresh air. Ah, this feels good.
My good-looking friend does the same, looking up at the sky and closing his eyes, enjoying the light breeze and the way the sunlight streams down his face.
I release a dreamy sigh as I watch his perfect profile. His jaw is so sharp, I could see him on the cover of a romance novel. And with that straight, aristocratic nose, he looks both royal and domineering at the same time.
And he’s been nice. To me.
Agh! I’m too giddy for my own good. I need to remember this is a life and death situation and not one of my dreams where I meet my Prince Charming. Going by the way he so easily turns people to dust, he’s not exactly a paragon of virtue. But hey, all’s fair in war and love.
“Stupid Jocelyn stole my PomPom. We need to go to her quarters,” I instruct him before my mind can cook up some more ludicrous scenarios. This is a time for war. Maybe we can save the love aspect for later. I certainly wouldn’t mind going on a date with Mr. Turns Everything Into Dust—if he asks, of course.
He grunts an acknowledgment and continues walking.
Anyone coming toward him is rendered to dust.
A black cloud surrounds us, spreading left and right as if it has a life of its own. Dark tentacles tackle the magic users that attack us, shielding us at the same time. Nothing seems to penetrate his dark shield, not the power of the elements nor the blasts of energy coming from the mages.
A few moments later, we’re in the castle.
I do my best to instruct him where to turn and which wing might be the right one, but my spatial awareness sucks and we end up getting lost—and getting surrounded by yet another horde of royal guards.
He grits his teeth, growing annoyed with these pesky soldiers. I can’t blame him. Even the magic users are no match for his elevated skills—all of which makes me perpetually sigh in wonder at my new friend.
Once he’s done killing the rest of the guards, we head to the west wing. It doesn’t escape me that he avoids harming women and children, and my admiration for him rises exponentially.
“There, I remember the stairs.” I point to the gilded marble stairs Jocelyn and I had taken when we’d gone to the royal quarters.
He nods—he’s not a man of many words, but I happen to like the silent, brooding ones—and he takes the gilded stairs.
“What if Damien and Jocelyn are there? They’re strong,” I say as the thought crosses my mind. They aren’t the rulers of Kiya for nothing. They’re the strongest mages Akkaya has ever seen. Despite how strong he is, I wouldn’t want my savior to get hurt or anything.
My good-looking friend grinds his teeth, a sign he doesn’t approve of my assessment. But he doesn’t give me a reply, his eyes taking in everything around us.
“I think it was that room.” I point to one at the end of the hall. “Oh, no, wait. I think that one.” I change my mind, pointing to the opposite. “Or was it that one…”
He doesn’t listen to me, striding to a hidden hallway before taking a few more turns and stopping in front of a door.
“What are you…” I trail off. My eyes widen as he wrenches the door from its hinges with the wave of a finger. Going inside, he looks right and left before traversing to yet another room. It’s luxurious as I’ve come to expect from Damien and Jocelyn. There are fluffy chaises everywhere, as well as dog toys and other accessories.
It’s at that moment that a cute, familiar sound reaches my ears.
“PomPom!” I exclaim, all but jumping out of his arms as I run toward my poor baby. She sees me too and lets out a sharp bark, running toward me. Her tongue is out, her eyes sparkling with happiness—and maybe a few unshed tears. I know I have plenty.
We meet in the middle. I open my arms and she jumps to my chest, her short legs doing their job for once. She smells so good and she’s so fluffy. Jocelyn must have had her bathed. Well, it’s the least she could do after stealing my baby, that wretched woman.