“Everyone but me. I am his heart,” I repeat the lie.

Although wouldn’t that be nice? I release a wistful sigh as I let my foolish self dream once more about true love; the eternal kind that would withstand any test—as if I haven’t already been disappointed enough by my own delusions.

“I see. So you are the exception to the rule,” he utters, his tone skeptical.

“Of course. I told you. So don’t even think of trying something with me because he’s going to come and get me out of here and if I tell him you’ve been bad to me, he’s going to make sure you never see the light of day. Not that you see the light of day here since it’s a little too dark. But you know what I mean,” I snap, pushing my chin up. “He’s going to turn you into mummy dust.”

He doesn’t reply, and a smile pulls at my lips.

Aha! My ruse worked. Since everyone is so afraid of the Dark One, and psycho Damien already declared me his lover, why shouldn’t I make use of his reputation?

“And here I thought he was dead,” the mummy murmurs.

I blink. How the hell does he know that?

“Oh, that is…he…he faked his death, but he’s going to save me,” I huff aloud.

Seconds stretch into minutes and no sound comes from him.

“I just want my finger back,” he eventually says.

My lips flatten as I consider his words. I did steal his finger—and his ring. Now a pang of guilt stabs at my chest. He’s probably a poor enemy of psycho Damien and he’s been wasting away in this cell for God knows how long.

“If I give it to you, you won’t hurt me?” I ask tentatively. Just to make sure.



“You have my word,” he promises.

“Okay. I guess I can do that. I’m sorry I took it when it wasn’t mine to take,” I add apologetically.

I dangle the finger with the ring, waiting for him to come get it.

“You will need to come to me,” he decrees.

“W-what?” I squeak.

“Come to me, female. I gave you my word I will not hurt you.”

“But… But…”

“Your big, bad, and dangerous boyfriend will make sure I never see the light of day if I do anything to you.”

“Are you making fun of me?” I ask in outrage.

He sighs.

“My finger, female. I would like to have it back.”

I stare at the darkness for a few moments as I debate what to do.

“Fine,” I mutter under my breath.

Mustering all the courage I can get, I get to my feet. I make my way toward the other end of the cell, but due to the darkness, I can’t see where I’m walking.

I take small, careful steps. Yet it only takes one wrong move for me to lose my balance. I wobble on my feet, a strangled cry escaping me as I flail my arms around.