“Wait!” I call out, scrambling to my feet.
The door closes in my face, the latch back on.
Ivan smiles mockingly at me.
“I’m looking forward to your execution.” He chuckles. “Until then, enjoy your stay in the most cursed cell.”
Then he turns and leaves, his laughter echoing in the hallway.
For moments on end, I hold on to the rusty bars of the cell, staring into the darkness as my dire situation sinks in.
I’m in a different world. In a dirty prison. About to be sacrificed/executed. How the hell did my perfectly normal and pink life turn into dungeons and dragons—sans the dragons?
My breathing accelerates as panic overtakes me.
They took my baby from me, too. That stupid Lady Jocelyn, the fakest lady in the entire universe.
“I’ll kill you if you do something to my PomPom,” I yell, my voice traveling down the hallway and leaving an angry echo behind.
“Aghhhh!” I scream at the top of my lungs, pulling on the thick metal bars. Alas, it’s in vain. Once my screaming session is done—merely because my throat hurts and I doubt anyone will bring me water in here—I release a frustrated sigh as I sink to the floor.
It’s cold, damp, and dark.
“Why me?” I whisper, swallowing a sob.
The cell is so dark I can’t even make out where the walls are and what parameters I’m being confined to, which makes it all the more claustrophobic.
“I’ve not done anything illegal in my life,” I mumble to myself. “I’ve never even stolen anything, except if you count the chocolate my mother told me I was not allowed to have. But that was from my own fridge. It’s not as if I stole someone else’s chocolate. I would never do that. Not like that stupid, scheming Jocelyn who stole my PomPom.”
At remembering my poor baby, I burst into tears again.
“Oh my God!” I cry out, nearly jumping out of my skin. “Stupid Jocelyn has BonBon, and he’s a male. My PomPom is a female. What if he…” A strangled gasp escapes me. “What if he takes advantage of my PomPom? She’s never been with a male in her life.”
My sobs intensify as I think of my PomPom being assaulted by BonBon. And it’s all my damn fault.
“He’s going to take my PomPom’s virginity and I can’t do anything to stop it.” I continue crying. Big, fat tears stream down my face as I imagine my sweet angel being debased by that woman’s dog.
“Wait for me, PomPom. Mommy will come for you. I’ll save you, baby!”
Except I have no idea how I’m going to get out of here. Alive.
Minutes trickle by, turning into hours. My body is tired, but my mind is wide awake, trying to solve this conundrum.
The sun is up, some light streaming into the dungeon, but not enough to reach my cell. Ivan wasn’t kidding that this is the worst one.
I mutter a string of curses that are not at all ladylike. But you know what? To hell with being a lady. I’ve had a firsthand experience of what it means to be a lady—cough, cough, stupid Jocelyn—and I don’t want to have anything to do with it.
I get to my feet and pace around my cell, keeping an eye out for any soldiers patrolling the premises—anyone other than Ivan, that is. If I play my cards right, maybe I can charm them into opening the door for me.
A ray of light dances between the metal bars and illuminates the corner of my cell. I wouldn’t have paid it much attention if I didn’t catch the glint of something red and shiny. I blink and the light is almost gone. But I’m sure of what I saw.
It was a precious stone, mayhap attached to a ring.
A bulb lights up in my head.
Maybe I can bribe a guard with it and he will let me go!
I clasp my hands together in excitement and take one step at a time until I reach the other end of the cell. I slide to the floor, and slowly, I inch closer to the area where I saw the jewel. My poor pink gown will likely become black from all the dust I’m collecting. If my execution truly comes to pass—which, fingers crossed it won’t—I hope stupid Jocelyn will at least let me have what’s left of my dignity and give me a clean pink gown.