“This is not a competition per se. It is a mating ritual. The king and queen will mate and receive special treatment from the village. Why do you think scent plays such an important part? Why do you think people removed their clothes and are now touching and caressing each other?”
“It is all part of a scheme to match a compatible male with a compatible female.”
Right at that moment, Elijah announces the winners: Flin and Loraine.
The crowd cheers for them, and the celebrations resume with more vigor.
I peek through the gap of his elbow, straining to see what’s happening.
There is a bed in front of the bonfire that wasn’t there before. The spectators are loud and boisterous as they give pointers to the winners. I catch sight of movement on the bed and a few flashes of naked limbs tangled together before a loud moan pierces through the air.
That’s all I can see, however, before Nykander once more blocks my view.
“They’re… They’re having sex. Right there,” I stammer, my eyes wide.
“That is enough, Barbi. We are leaving,” Nykander states tightly.
“But if you knew… Why would you participate? Why would you let me participate?” I ask on a whimper.
“Because I just found out,” he grunts. “That fucking Jeya tricked us both.”
“But…” I don’t get to say anything else as Nykander envelops me in his arms and teleports us back to the cabin.
PomPom and BonBon startle awake at our presence, rushing to greet us.
I push him away from me, my expression one of pure disdain.
“Don’t touch me,” I grit out.
I take a step back, and surprisingly he allows me.
His features are still tense, his breathing labored.
He stares at me with a pensive look on his face.
“You can see yourself out now,” I mutter as I walk deeper into the cabin and take a seat on the bed.
PomPom and BonBon jump in with me and I pet them both while ignoring Nykander.
He doesn’t leave, though.
He stands there, unmoving.
PomPom turns on her back, exposing her little pregnant belly and begging for belly rubs. I, of course, indulge her—everything in an attempt to ignore Nykander in hopes that he will leave. There is slight movement in her stomach, and I swear I can almost feel the babies move. Tears poke at my eyes as my whole being fills with an ineffable description.
My PomPom will have babies. And she’s so close to giving birth. By my estimates, it’s been around fifty-five days since she and BonBon met, and her gestation period should be around sixty-three days. That’s just a week away.
Worry gnaws at me.
I’ve never seen a dog give birth. I don’t know what she will need and if I will be able to accommodate her needs from here. That healer Nykander had suggested hadn’t been of much use. He specializes in people, not dogs.
“You’re going to be a daddy soon.” I scratch BonBon’s ears. “Are you excited?”
He lets out a loud bark before he turns to PomPom, licking her on the stomach and sniffing her privates.
I blink, then I blush.