Page 115 of Barbi and the Villain

It’s my first time hearing his full name.

Nykander v’Kyró. Somehow it suits him. I wonder what it means…

Cut it out, Barbi! You are not interested in him. You hate him, remember?

I school my features into a dismissive scowl.

He raises a brow at me.

Damn you, you insufferable oaf!

I don’t say it aloud, of course. But I do mouth it to him, and with his sensitive senses, he gets it, because that arrogant smile of his widens.

The rest of the males step forward to state their names.

“Wonderful! Welcome, everyone!” Elijah exclaims, and all attention returns to him. “I wish you all luck in this competition and may you find what you seek.”

A round of applause ensues.

“For the first trial, you will show off your skills. Choose one skill that recommends you and show it in front of everyone. You have ten minutes to prepare. It is permissible to use your abilities. For this round, one female and one male will be voted off the game!”

The villagers go crazy, and I hear some murmurs about how this is one of their favorite trials.

“Ten minutes start now. Do your best!”

The girls immediately disperse as they run toward their family members for support. They must have known what this trial involved because all are ready. Meanwhile, though, I am the only one left next to the bonfire.

I glance up. The men, too, are getting ready to show off their skill. But while I am slowly freaking out because I don’t know what I will do within such a short time frame, Nykander looks wholly relaxed as he leans back against the trunk of a tree and observes the madness around.

Damn it! What am I going to do? I don’t want to look like a complete fool and give Nykander more reasons to laugh in my face.

My first thought is to get PomPom and do our dance routine. But she is trained on specific music and I doubt these musicians can play Cardi B. I am sure our number would be well received, but I don’t want to take any chances. No matter how smart my baby is, she is still a dog and she can only do as good as her training.

What other skills do I have?

I suppose I could try singing, but there is a fifty-fifty chance I will be booed and dismissed from the competition immediately. Other than that…

I sigh.

My skills run more to the introverted type—the ones I do alone, in the intimacy of my home.

Like writing. But no one will want to listen to me drone about that.

As my mind goes through the list of potential skills I can display, a bulb lights up in my brain.

I slowly search Nykander with my gaze, a little unsettled when I find him staring at me intently—again. I wonder if he’s mentally planning how to get me to lose the competition or how to embarrass me further since he seems to derive great pleasure from that.

And that solidifies it for me.

If there is a skill I excel at, it’s being petty. And I aim to show him just how petty I can be.

“Ten minutes have passed. Please line up again,” Elijah calls out. “We will have one female contestant and one male at a time. Audee, you may commence.” He motions to the first girl in line. “Please tell us your skill and demonstrate your talent.”

She steps forward, placing herself in front of the bonfire. The fire illuminates her features and her pretty white dress.

“My skill is that I can create a garment out of any piece of material. For that, I have brought here a plain white cloth that I will fashion into an item of clothing.” She turns to the males. “Please tell me what you would like me to make.”

Somehow, her hopeful gaze lands on Nykander, but he is not even paying attention. No, he is just staring me down with those icy eyes of his.