Page 186 of Barbi and the Villain

“What are you doing here, Thea?” he asks in a dry, bored tone.

“Do you even have to ask, Cer?” She shakes her head. “You really couldn’t choose a more hospitable realm? It took me ages to find you since you know that my navigation system isn’t the best. And how do I find you? Bleeding and with a hole in your stomach.” Her mouth curls down in disgust. “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself? I can see what you had for breakfast.” She points to his stomach.

Curious, I glance at his stomach, too, but I can’t see what she’s referring to. The wound is almost closed by now.

“Is that why you are here, Thea?” He sighs. “To lecture me some more? Could you not have waited until I got home?”

“Good on you to remember you have a home. Don’t you know what day is tomorrow?”

He blinks, staring at her, unmoving.

“Oh no, no. Don’t you dare tell me you forgot!” She shrieks, launching herself at him.

He extends his arm, his open palm connecting with her forehead as he keeps her at a distance. She flails her arms around, her nails growing in size until they resemble claws as she tries to get a hit on him.

“Thea, if you don’t mind, I am in the middle of something,” he mutters while holding a squirming Thea at arm’s length—literally.

Nykander inches his way toward me, his expression one of confusion that mirrors my own.

“What are we watching?” he asks on a whisper.

“I think it’s a lovers’ spat,” I whisper back. “He probably forgot their anniversary or her birthday,” I wager a guess.

“Something?” she repeats, narrowing her eyes as she finally takes note of our presence. “Don’t tell me you’re fighting over a female!” she exclaims, outraged.

I frown, confused about how she got to that conclusion. But seeing that Nykander is the only one bedraggled in this situation, I can understand her misconception.

“Are you out of your freaking mind, Cer? With all the problems we have, you’re now chasing after a female?” She slaps his hand aside and takes a step forward. Despite her being taller than average, she’s still much shorter than him. “Have you forgotten about Aethon? What about Wyn? It’s her coming out ball tomorrow and you’re out here fighting another male over a female!”

“Thea, that is not?—”

“How could you do this, Cer? I am so disappointed in you,” she continues. “And to make matters worse, while you’re out here having your fun, Ze has decided to move into our guest room. That wretched male is corrupting my friend and it is all your fault.”

“How is that my fault?” He frowns.

“Because you brought him into our home to begin with! Ugh!” She throws her hands in the air in frustration.

“So let me understand this. I am guilty of everything bad that has ever happened in your life.”

“Exactly!” she agrees. Her eyes widen. “Well, it is true. You have singlehandedly ruined everything for me.”

“Thea.” Cer takes a deep breath. “I think you should go home.”


“That”—he points to Nykander—“is a Son of Tenebreis. And the female is his. I am not fighting over her. I do not care about her. I am merely performing my duty by interrogating him on the whereabouts of his brethren.”

She blinks slowly as she realizes what he’s saying. She spares us another glance before she whispers a low, “Oh.”

“So you see, I am in the middle of something important. And as a matter of fact, I am searching for Aethon.”

“But you did forget about Wyn’s ball, didn’t you?” She points a finger at him accusatorily.

“No. I did not. I will be there. I promised her the first dance, and I would never renege on that promise.”

“Good.” She tips her chin up. “It is the least you can do.”

He raises a brow at her.