Page 151 of Barbi and the Villain

“Is that so? We should be thankful he is not dead?” Jeya raises a brow.

“Yes, of course. You see, my mate here…” I point toward Nykander. “Now it’s time to stare and brood,” I whisper under my breath.

He widens his stance, his gaze deadly as he glares at the people surrounding our cabin.

“He was only protecting my honor. He cannot help himself with it. It’s our mating bond. It’s making him do all sort of things if I am in danger.”

“And were you? In danger?”

“Uhm, yes! Mr. Foerie was very rude to me today. He insulted me and my dogs and threw me out of his shop. My mate heard about those insults and he could not let them slide. It’s that protective instinct. He cannot help himself, right, dear?” I turn to Nykander, whispering at him to growl.

He growls. A low, deep sound coming from his chest that makes everyone stop in their tracks.

“So there you have it. I was the victim first, and my mate avenged my honor. I would say we are even.” I smile, pleased with my speech.

“He cut his tongue out, Miss Barbara. How is that even?”

“And he would have done worse because his insults were really bad and they made me cry. No?” I ask Nykander, motioning for him to brood and growl again. “It must have been payment for my tears.”

Another growl.

“I am actually surprised his eyes are intact. You should probably say thank you, Mr. Foerie. Nykander is not the type to let people live. He is a villain who has little regard for others’ lives. Except mine. Right, dear? I am the exception. The light to your dark, dark soul.”

His lips twitch, but he forces himself to scowl at people.

“You have seen him at the Moon Festival. He is very strong. Are you really going to try something against us when you know he could take all of you out?”

“You have broken the rules. For that, you will be escorted off the premises of the Sanctuary.”

My eyes widen in fear. I glance at Nykander, but he doesn’t seem too concerned.

Can’t he see this will ruin everything? We need to be here, otherwise the High Priestess will never give us the artifact.

“You will not!” I declare as I take a step forward. I place my hands on my hips and glare at them. “As I mentioned, Mr. Foerie insulted me first, so this is merely an eye for an eye. Well, technically, in this case, it’s his insults for his tongue. Very fair, if I do say so myself.”

“Miss Barbara, you are not in a position to judge whether this is fair or not.” Elijah sighs. “According to our laws, we have to punish your mate for inflicting damage upon Mr. Foerie.”

“W-what? No. Of course not. You will not touch him,” I burst out, placing myself in front of Nykander with my arms spread out to cover him.

“Barbs, I think we are forgetting who is supposed to be protecting whom,” he murmurs in my ear.

“Quiet, Nykander. I am saving your hide,” I tell him.

“I can heal, in case you forgot.”

“So? You can still feel pain. And I don’t want you in pain.”

His brows go up. He stares at me, slowly blinking.

“You…do not want me to be in pain?” he repeats slowly.

“That is what I said, so now keep quiet and let me handle this,” I say as I straighten my back and turn my gaze toward the crowd. “You will have to go through me first,” I declare loudly.

Elijah walks toward us, Jeya right behind him. They are both wielding magic in their hands, so I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the blow.

“That is enough,” Nykander calls out, pulling me against his chest. “I appreciate the sentiment, sweetheart. But what type of mate would I be if I let you protect me? It will always be the other way around.”

He presses a soft kiss to my temple.