Page 104 of Barbi and the Villain

“Here, taste it,” I say as I scoop a spoonful of the stew I made.

Nykander leans forward, opening his mouth and wrapping his lips around the spoon.

I do my best to remain unaffected, though it’s been harder and harder to do, considering we are together every waking hour of the day—and we sleep in the same small cabin, despite him continuously choosing the floor.

It’s been close to three weeks since the river incident, and just like before, it has become a taboo subject between us. We don’t speak about it. We don’t reference it. We simply pretend it never happened.

Well, he can pretend all he wants, since I’ve developed insomnia from overthinking every little interaction we had as I wondered if I did something wrong.

I can’t even ask the man what happened because he will simply disappear on me.

Yet despite that, our relationship has changed for the better. We’ve become…friends—if I can even call us that considering I have a one-sided crush on him.

Our days are filled with doing tasks of the commune, and since we’re always together, we’ve found ways to get along and have fun with each other. Of course, Nykander being Nykander, he asks the guards every day when we can see the High Priestess. And every day he gets the same reply—she will call on us.

But when my good-looking friend isn’t scowling or telling me I talk too much, he’s actually pleasant to be around. Bonus, PomPom and BonBon already consider him a part of the family.

He is the first to wake up in the mornings to exercise the dogs, and he’s also the one stealing meat from the kitchens to surreptitiously feed them. He doesn’t know I know that, but he forgets I am the one who folds his clothes and takes them to the laundry room. And every time I search his pockets, I find little pieces of meat stuck to the material.

That silly man.

He is the most thoughtful villain I’ve ever met—not that I’ve met others. But I’ve read about them, and they don’t usually go around stealing meat for dogs or sourcing pink clothes for me. Because he’s done that too.

I would randomly come back to our little cabin and find a new pink dress on the bed. When I asked about it, he would always shrug and say someone had thrown it away and he’d salvaged it.

He doesn’t seem to realize that no one throws things away here. What they do is trade.

And for a while now, Nykander has been without his precious ring.

My heart clenches with longing the more I think of those hidden gestures for which he never wants to claim any credit. And despite knowing what’s in store for us, I can’t help but hope that maybe, maybe it doesn’t have to be that way.

Maybe there is still hope.

“This is good,” Nykander exclaims, surprised. He licks the spoon and dips it in the pot to get some more.

“Really?” I blink.

“Taste it. It’s the best one you’ve cooked so far,” he praises, his words genuine.

I taste the stew, smacking my lips together to analyze the taste.

“It is good. Oh my God, Nykander! I did it!” I exclaim as I jump up and down, throwing myself at him.

He catches me in his arms, hugging me to his chest.

“You did it,” he murmurs in my hair.

“I can’t believe it,” I cry out, my emotions getting the best of me.

This is the third time I have been on cooking duty, and the only time I have managed to make something edible. The previous times, Nykander had to swoop in and save the day but now, for the first time, I did it all by myself.

And it’s rather delicious, if I do say so myself.

“Here, let me get you a bowl. You deserve the first one after all your patience.” I smile. Turning to where the dishes are, I select one of the bigger bowls for him and fill it up with stew.

“Thank you. I am deeply honored.” He inclines his head.

I chuckle, pushing the plate in front of him.