“No one knows who the author is. They’ve chosen to publish the books anonymously. But they are super popular. Even more popular than Naruto and that says something since it was a global phenomenon.” I lean in closer to whisper, “Don’t tell anyone, but I did have a Naruto phase, too. I imagined myself as Sakura, of course, since she eventually ends up with Sasuke and he was the hottest illustrated character to ever grace my world.” My mouth widens in an O. “Sorry for the spoiler.”
Nykander looks thoroughly confused.
“But that was around a decade ago.” I wave my hand. “Since I first read the books on Akkaya, I became an immediate fan. I’ve been attending conventions and I even lead a discord based on the mage system in Akkaya where we do more role-play,” I explain. I don’t, however, tell him about the fact that Lady Jocelyn and Sir Damien were the main characters since I am still nursing the wound of finding out just how foul they are in real life. He doesn’t need to know that Lady Jocelyn has been my role model my entire life, or that I modeled everything after her.
As soon as the thought crosses my mind, I berate myself again for being so foolish as to make a fictional character my entire personality. Yet despite what I know now, fictional Jocelyn did help me get through some rough patches in my life. She was there when no one else was.
“I see.” He nods.
“Yes! It’s the best book series! If you ever come to my world, I’ll lend you my special editions to read. You should be honored, you know. I’ve never lent those babies to anyone, but for you, I will make an exception.”
His lips tip into a smile.
“But only for you…” I trail off.
In my excitement to tell him all about my favorite book series, some garments escaped from the makeshift net I’d made with my skirt. I startle as I see them being carried away by the river, and before I can think it through, I throw myself after them, losing the others too.
“Barbi!” Nykander calls out after me.
But as I step farther into the river, my foot catches on a rock and I trip forward. But as I try to find my footing again, I realize there’s a steep incline and the water is much deeper.
I fall, water flooding my mouth and nose.
But before I can panic, strong arms lift me up.
I splutter as I draw a deep breath into my lungs.
Nykander holds me in his arms, pulling me out of the water and onto the shore.
“You mad, mad creature,” he mutters as he lays me on the grass.
I am drenched from head to toe. Moisture clings to my lashes, some of it dripping down my face and neck. Yet all I can do is stare at the handsome face above me. He blocks the sun with his body, looming over me.
I gulp down as I watch drops of water dance on his skin, hypnotizing me with their odd movements as they traverse those hard and delicious planes. My tongue peeks out to lick my lips.
“Are you all right, Barbi?” he asks, a hint of worry in his voice.
It takes me a moment to get my bearings together and meet his concerned gaze.
My lips strain into a smile that quickly dies as I note the grave look on his face.
He’s staring at me intently, his pupils growing in size as his fangs elongate, pricking his bottom lip and causing drops of blood to fall onto my body.
“I am fine. Just a small accident.” I make light of the situation.
But he doesn’t reply.
His Adam’s apple bobs up and down as he bites his lip hard, more blood pouring out of the new wound.
“Nykander?” I whisper.
His gaze is fixed on me, or rather, on a point on my body. I look down, following the path of his eyes, and a gasp leaves my lips as I realize what he’s looking at.
My light pink dress is completely drenched. The material is a thin cotton that has become see-through.
And I’m not wearing a bra.
My nipples are hard from the coldness of the water, and they’re poking through the material, leaving nothing to the imagination.