Her eyes turn a light blue as the dampness forms to ice, and with it, the small blades of grass turn into sharp blades—sharp enough to break the skin.
With shaky fingers, I rip one of them and dig it in my arm, letting the blood flow.
If my blood kills, then let it kill them.
Let it…
My mouth drops open. A soundless moan escapes me as I feel more liquid trickle down my chest. I dare to gaze down, only to see a large hole in my chest and a fist protruding from the other side.
I gasp for air.
“Nooooo!” Minnie’s cry envelops the entire marsh.
In my last few moments of awareness, I’m sure of two things.
My blood kills, but it didn’t kill him. It bathed his skin, but it didn’t burn it; it didn’t dissolve it.
Then there’s Minnie’s wail that touches my bleeding heart, making it bleed even more.
The ground shakes.
I sway from side to side, but I’m still conscious enough to see her eyes turn to white.
“Noooooo!” she screams, and the power of this scream sends me flying.
Iopen my eyes.
There’s water all around me, floating through me.
There’s still a hole in my chest, but it’s slowly mending.
All around, I’m surrounded by water.
Miles and miles of water. And I’m floating in the middle of it.
There’s no one around. Only me and some fish swimming around my body—probably hoping to get a bite. Too bad they’ll likely get indigestion. Hell, I’m hoping they’ll get indigestion. I hope everyone fucking dies. Starting with that fucking Azerius and his soldiers, and then Minnie’s traitor of a brother. He deserves a slow, painful death for betraying her like that.
But as that thought arises, I frown.
I look right and left.
Where the hell am I?
The other question being, am I still on Earth?
The sky is a beautiful navy blue and filled with stars, a contrast to the wretchedness I feel inside. In the distance, I can make out the sound of seagulls and the horn blasts of a ship.
I don’t know how I ended up here, in the middle of a goddamn sea, but she saved me. Somehow, Minnie saved me.
But that means she’s still there, with them; captured.
Soon, she’s going to be executed.
The hell she is!
If I have to destroy the entirety of Aperion, I’ll do it—especially since I now know I possess the weapon to do so.