Page 303 of Mayhem and Minnie

From the beginning, she must have known something was wrong with me, that her actions had an effect over me. That’s why she was following me, isn’t it?

The pain in my chest intensifies.

How many more things did she hide from me?

“His soul reincarnated in the mortal plane at the wrong time, which caused a chain reaction that resulted in him being born the offspring of a mortal,” Cerenios pauses, glancing at Azerius for approval. “And a Son of Tenebreis.”

“No, that’s impossible,” Minnie mutters in shock.

“Is it?” Azerius chuckles. “You’re the one who created this monster, Minerva. He is an abomination who by all accounts should have never existed. But because you interfered with fate, here he is. A hybrid.”

No. This cannot be right. I know who my mother and my father are. And though my father was a piece of shit, and downright demonic at times, he was not a demon. I’m certain of it.

“But the Sons of Tenebreis are trapped in Tartareia,” Minnie whispers.

“Most of them, yes. But there are those that were not in Tartareia when the realm was sealed. They still roam free,” Azerius continues. Looking at me, he adds, “According to the laws of nature, a Son of Tenebreis should never be able to successfully mate with a mortal and produce offspring. Not only has it never happened before, but it is forbidden.”

“He’s not evil. Please. Just… Let him go, please,” Minnie pleads with him.

I try to speak once more to tell her that she needs to be safe, not me, but my voice is still muted.

“He might not be evil. Frankly, I don’t give a damn about him. But because such a hybrid is an abomination, we are now faced with a rather peculiar situation. His blood is, indeed, poisonous. It can kill a god, just as it can kill a demon,” Azerius says, staring at me with an odd glint in his eyes.

He takes a step forward, but Molokai blocks his path.

“Our agreement, Commander?” he asks through gritted teeth.

Azerius gives him a bored look.

“I didn’t agree to anything, soldier. Your sister is guilty. She’ll be executed. This mortal is guilty for merely existing, so he, too, shall be executed.”

He draws his sword and he continues toward me.

Molokai grabs the handle of the sword.

“You agreed,” he says roughly.

Azerius stares him down.

“Stand down, soldier,” he commands.

“Not until you give me your word that my sister will be spared.”

“Your sister is the reason why we find ourselves in this situation in the first place. If I am to kill this mortal, then she too deserves death. It is only right.”

“I don’t care,” Molokai grits out. “I only care about my sister. You must spare her. Please.”

Azerius takes a moment to consider the request.

“No,” he answers, and right as Molokai gets ready to strike, a purple mist sends him flying in the distance.

“Kai!” Minnie cries out.

“You should advise that brother of yours to behave, Minerva. Otherwise, I’ll end up one general short, and I would not like that. It is bothersome to sort through applications to find a replacement.”

This guy…

Azerius redirects his attention to me. His white sword gleams in the sunlight as he wields it in front of me.