Page 299 of Mayhem and Minnie

“If she did it with the intention of making you ill, yes.”

“But why? Why would she do that?”

His eye twitches. He uses his dagger to cut my arm, seemingly thinking to do as Minnie had done and test my blood.

Minnie stops him.

“I already did that. It’s noxious. The mere taste of it made me retch.”

Molokai frowns, but he doesn’t stop. He cuts through my afflicted flesh, coating his blade in my black blood and dripping it onto the ground.

With a different blade, he cuts his own palm and squeezes a few drops of blood on top of my own.

The effect is instantaneous.

My blood acts like an acid, burning off the cells in his blood. Fumes erupt from the chemical reaction until the black blood has swallowed his red blood fully.

“This is what it did to the demons, too,” Minnie whispers in shock. “When his blood touched them, they dissolved.”

Molokai brings his attention back to my arm.

The cut he’d made has already healed, an oddity in itself.

“It’s a poison, isn’t it?” Minnie asks.

“If it is, I have never seen the likes of it before,” he adds in a rough voice. “And if it dissolves my blood, too, then it means it can kill deities and demons alike.”

“I don’t care about that. It’s killing him!” Minnie exclaims.

Molokai clicks his tongue against his teeth. With his blade, he cuts through my shirt, throwing it to the side until I’m naked from the torso up.

The dark spots have now reached my neck and are quickly spreading to my face.

Molokai studies my torso. His expression is blank and I find it hard to read what’s going through his mind. Does he think I’m going to die? The bastard is probably rejoicing at that little fact.


He’s probably going to kill me himself now that I’m so pitifully weak I can barely move. That way, he can protect his precious sister from a puny human like me.

I groan in pain as I try to shift, but my body doesn’t want to obey me.

“I wonder about that,” Molokai muses. “Look.” He points with his blade to my chest. “Going by the visible pattern on his skin, the poison must have already reached his heart. He should have been dead already. Yet he is not.”

“What are you saying?”

“Whatever this is—whatever he is.” He pauses, his lip twitching. “Those demons must have known something, which is why they tried to capture him. And in the hands of the Son of Tenebreis, his blood could be the end of us.”

“What can we do to help him? How do we get rid of the poison?” Minnie asks.

“We don’t,” Molokai replies, standing up. “Surely you see how dangerous and advantageous something like this could be, Minerva. It can help us get rid of all the demons in this universe,” Kai says in a cold voice. “I must report it at once.”

Her eyes widen in fear.

“You will do no such thing,” she cries out and pushes him out of the way. Placing herself in front of me, she covers me with her body. “Don’t you dare, Kai!”

“Stop the theatrics, Minerva. You’re doing yourself and him a disservice.”

“You… You want to use him? To use his blood?”