Page 285 of Mayhem and Minnie

“This isn’t bad,” I mutter. It’s hot, pepperminty, and with a hint of spice. After the demon debacle, I find myself rather thirsty, so I quickly empty the cup and help myself to a second one.

Barely a few minutes pass and she’s back, holding a couple of letters in her hands.

“I moved to New Orleans in nineteen sixty-five, after my grandmother died. She was the one who taught me everything about witchcraft. Back then, I didn’t want anything to do with witches and demons and all those things anymore. Not after my brother’s death anyway.”

She places the letters on the table, resting her palms on top of them.

“No one knew who I was or what I was. I wanted to start fresh.” She smiles. “But one day, a lady knocked on my door and handed me these.” She points to the papers. “She said one is for me to read, and one is for me to keep for its intended recipient.”

Katrina separates the letters. One is opened. The other is still sealed.

“Who was this lady you speak of?” Minnie asks.

“I truly don’t know. She didn’t introduce herself. She only told me that I’d know what to do once I read the first letter.”

“And? What was inside it?”

Katrina takes out a sheet of paper from the envelope.

“The first part of the letter is dedicated to me. It has some…private information, all meant to ensure I believe in the contents of the letter and the intentions of the sender.” She pauses. “The second has instructions.”

“Instructions?” I frown. “For us?”

“Indeed.” Katrina turns to look at Minnie. “I know what you seek, Minerva, and I have spent the last fifty years gathering all the necessary ingredients.” She glances at the tea cups. “You’ve had a taste now. Did I do a good job?” she asks with a mischievous smile.

Minnie’s eyes meet mine as it dawns on us what she means.

The tincture. She’s talking about the tincture.

“I don’t understand. Why? Why would someone care about this? About us?”

“Because everyone plays an important role in the big scheme of things.”

Minnie tenses.

“Was it the House of Moirai?” she asks on a whisper.

“No. It was not. The person who penned these letters is not your foe, Minerva. On the contrary, she wants the best for you. I have followed every single instruction in the letter. The house has strong wards that prevent both gods and demons from peeking inside. The tincture is made from the best ingredients in the entire universe. And then there’s this.”

She pushes the unopened letter toward us. Minnie grabs it, about to open it when Katrina stops her.

“You are not to open it now.”

“What? But when?”

“When a mark appears on your chest. Right here.” Katrina points to the area right above Minnie’s heart. “When that happens, you will open this letter and find the answer to everything.”

Minnie frowns. I squeeze her hand under the table in comfort.

“Is this about the sanctuary of the Primordial Goddess of Fate? Is the location inside?”

Katrina shakes her head.

“I’m only allowed to tell you this. Inside, you will find the way to vanquish the being named Azerius. But only if you follow the instructions and open it when that mark appears upon your chest.”

“W-what? Vanquish Azerius?” Minnie utters in shock.

“I gather you know who that is?” Katrina asks.