Page 281 of Mayhem and Minnie

“I don’t care about your gods or your demons or whatever fucking else. I only care about you and our relationship. I care about the fact that you fucking doubt me.”

“But, Marlowe?—”

“Shh,” I whisper and press my finger against her lips. “No more words, Minnie.” I lean in and press my forehead against her. “You can think anything of me, but the fact that you would doubt my loyalty to you guts me.”

She inhales sharply.

“Do you think I’d hurt you?” I ask her softly.


“Do you think I’d betray you?”


“Do you think I’d ever keep secrets from you?”

She gulps down and hesitates.

“No,” she finally answers.

“Good. Then that’s settled.” I nod and pull back. “As far as whatever the fuck happened here, we’ll have plenty of time to figure that out while we’re away from this world. You used your powers, so I assume they already have your location.”

“You’re right,” she murmurs. “I’m sorry.”

I step away from her and take a deep, calming breath.

She’s right that this is all strange, but I don’t like that her first thought is to suspect me of having lied to her about my identity.

I don’t know why the fuck those demons were after me, but we don’t have the time to dwell on this. Not when the soldiers after her are probably heading to our location as we speak.

I pat my pockets for my phone. Pulling it out, I note that the screen’s cracked.


I mutter a string of curses under my breath and squint to make out the address of Katrina Hale.

“Let’s go,” I tell Minnie and head toward the exit.

She follows after me, her head bent down.

As we get out of the church, she quietly slips her hand in mine.

“Are you mad at me?” she whispers.

“I’m not,” I start. “Perhaps a little disappointed.”


“We’ll talk more about this later.”

She appears as if she wants to say more but eventually nods and follows me in silence.

We get to the Main Street and hail a cab.

Since she doesn’t have her veil anymore, Minnie buries her head in my shoulder.

The driver regards us suspiciously. Especially since our clothes are torn and bloody.