I swallow her sighs. She swallows mine.
Her every move matches my own. It’s so natural, so instinctive.
For the first time in my life, there’s no overthinking. There are no crowding thoughts in my brain threatening to drown me. Because the only thing I’m drowning in is her.
She’s the first to draw back.
Her hair is mussed, her lips swollen from the kiss.
She swallows hard and licks her lips, staring at me with a mix of shock and desire.
I stare back at her as I fight my own bodily urges to keep going, to claim her, own her.
“We shouldn’t have done that,” she whispers, though I don’t detect any regret in her voice.
“We shouldn’t have,” I murmur with a smile.
She fights against returning the smile, but it’s a lost battle as she starts giggling.
I let myself crash down onto the bed next to her, linking my fingers through hers.
“I doubt a bit of kissing will change anything,” I say.
“You call that a bit?” she asks, her cheeks scarlet red.
“For my liking? Yes. A bit.”
She laughs.
Turning onto her side, she trails her fingers on my chest.
“I wanted to be good for once,” she whispers. “Resist temptation and show I can be virtuous. I wanted…”
I turn to face her.
“You didn’t want it, Minnie. You wanted to want it. It’s different.”
“Perhaps. But it seems I cannot control myself.”
I raise a brow at her.
“That makes two of us. And I doubt that Primordial Goddess or whatever is going to hold it against us.” I lean in to kiss her naked shoulder. It’s sheer willpower on my part not to look at her tits and get overly excited again.
She takes a deep breath.
“I hope so, Marlowe. Because I want this to work. I’ve banked everything on it working.”
“Even if it might turn out to be just a myth?”
“Even then,” she admits with a sigh. “Because this is the only way we could be together forever. It’s the only way no one could ever break us apart.”
“So it’s not just about you getting absolved for your mistakes?”
She scoffs.
“If I had been that worried about those mistakes, as you call them, do you really think I would have committed them in the first place?” she asks, her expression suddenly serious. “Sure, it might be nice for once not to be chased around by an army of soldiers sent to capture me and ultimately execute me. But no matter how much it might seem like I was naive, or that I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, I promise you that I always knew. I was as prepared to face the consequences back then as I am now.”
I frown at her words.