She doesn’t answer me.
She keeps walking, stopping every now and then to reorient herself.
“Do you even know where you’re going?”
“Don’t talk,” she mutters. “You’re messing with my focus.”
My brows draw up in confusion. But as she continues walking along the east wing of the first floor, I simply follow behind, curious to see what she’s up to.
Maybe she’s trying to find a more secluded place for us to talk. My heart beats faster in my chest as I let my imagination run wild.
She defended me in front of my siblings—something no one’s ever done before. That has to mean something, no? Maybe she’s decided to forgive me and she needs a quiet place to tell me that. Perhaps it’s because she needs to remove her veil so I can see her features clearly as she says those long-awaited words.
If I’m lucky, I might even get a hug. Or another kiss on the cheek.
The possibilities are endless, and my blood pounds mercilessly in my veins, flowing heavily to a certain region of my body.
It doesn’t help that I’m getting an exclusive view of her delectable backside as she moves her hips from side to side.
Minnie in heels is a force to be reckoned with—and one that has the potential to do permanent damage to my cock. But Minnie in black with frilly lacy details?
My heart cannot take that.
How she manages to look both sexy and cute at the same time is a wonder. But I’m not one to complain since she’s mine. My woman. My fucking girl.
She heads toward a room at the end of the hallway, and my excitement gets the best of me.
Anticipation boils in my veins as I get ready for this conversation.
I’ll even admit I was a tiny bit wrong. Anything to get those pretty eyes of hers to look at me as they did before—with quiet admiration instead of vehement disapproval.
“You don’t need to go that far, Minnie. I think we can talk here, too,” I tell her as I clear my throat.
She turns sharply toward me and presses a finger to her lips.
I frown.
Grabbing my hand, she leads me to the end of the hallway where she stops in front of a door. But she doesn’t open it.
I’m about to ask her what she wants to do when a loud voice echoes from inside the room.
“How many times do I have to fucking tell you, Cara? Don’t fucking disrespect me in front of other people!” Julien rages at his fiancée.
My eyes widen.
“What are you doing?” I mouth to Minnie.
She shakes her head and presses her finger to my lips.
“Listen,” she whispers.
“You know better than to fucking speak without my permission, don’t you?” He continues, his voice becoming increasingly more aggressive.
“I’m sorry.” Cara’s voice is barely audible. Submissive. Hurt.
I glance at Minnie.