Page 189 of Mayhem and Minnie

Turning, I’m surprised to see Minnie’s brother.

Well, now that’s interesting.

He’s wearing the same clothes as before, down to the same shirt and shoes. There’s grime and dirt on the sleeves of his shirt, and I could swear I spot some caked blood on his pants.

I wrinkle my nose. I suppose this is where Minnie got her manners from. Alas, under my guidance, she has vastly improved. Perhaps I could recommend her brother a similar coach. Minnie is the only one I’d personally help, but I suppose finding a hygiene coach shouldn’t be too hard.

He turns to glare at me.

Maybe I’ll do that at our wedding since he doesn’t seem to be in such a good mood today.

“Have you heard of knocking?” I raise a brow.

He grunts and comes closer to me.

“Does Minnie know you’re here?”

He doesn’t answer. He simply stares at me.

“I suppose not,” I mutter.

His eyes flash.

And here I thought I would win the resting brooding face award. This guy here might just be a contender for first place.

“Well, Mr. Grunting, why are you here?”

This time, he gives me a warning looks. It seems he only knows how to communicate with his eyes. So like the accommodating gentleman that I am, I aim to do the same. After all, I cannot be a bad host to the brother of my future wife, can I?

I take a few steps until I’m in front of him. I widen my eyes and blink rapidly.

He frowns. Then scowls.

I tilt my head and continue to blink some more.

“Are you having a seizure?” he asks, then he tsks. “You humans are so fragile,” he swears beneath his breath.

“I suppose your magical powers don’t extend to eye reading.”

He frowns again.

I roll my eyes to the back of my head.

“Are you mentally challenged?” His tone is serious as he poses the question.

I blink, then widen my eyes.

He narrows his eyes.

I squint in return.

He nods to himself. Placing his hands behind his back, he paces around the basement.

“I know my sister is not too bright, but to get herself a mentally challenged human?” He shakes his head. “And he called you her bodyguard. Absurd.”

All semblance of amusement disappears.

“Don’t insult her.”