Page 101 of Mayhem and Minnie

The worst time to go out.

I glance at Minnie.

She has stars in her eyes as she looks at the beautiful Christmas lights adorning the shops and trees. She’s eager to get out there and explore—I can tell.

But she cannot.

“Stay here. I’ll be just a moment,” I tell her.

She flutters her lashes in confusion. “But?—”

“There are people around, Minnie. Men,” I state emphatically. “You cannot go out.”

“But, Marlowe, I?—”

“I’ll get the dessert for you. Just tell me what you want.”

“How can I tell you when I have no idea what options they have?” She pouts.

For a second, I waver. But then I see a group of men walking down the sidewalk and glancing at my car. I pull her toward me so all they can see is her back.

I seriously don’t need to kill someone tonight. And with the not so ideal developments from the last week, I don’t think I’ll be quite as gracious as I was during our visit to the department store. One lustful glance from a man will likely set me off and that will set off a chain reaction that will either end up with me on the news or at the police station—or both. Somehow, her proximity makes me take leave of my senses and when engaging in murder—in the perfect murder—the presence of one’s senses is of utmost importance.

The unfortunate truth is that since she’s appeared in my life, I’ve most definitely lost brain cells. I am dumber, I feel dumber, I do dumber things.

She’s converted me into a blundering idiot. And though I’m annoyed at that particular development, every time I think of ways to combat that, I spot her and I’m back to being a dumb, primitive male.

That’s the main issue. As long as I’m alone, I can plan a myriad of ways in which I’ll get rid of her and of the ridiculous ways in which she continues to bewitch me with her soulful eyes, her orgasmic food, and that little ass of hers that she keeps shaking while she’s cleaning. But as soon as I come face to face with her, I forget all my plans until only one goal remains.

Gaining her approval.

Fuck. I shouldn’t have taken her with me. But I was too excited at the prospect of giving her a surprise that I didn’t think too long about the implications—yet another thing that I’ve stopped doing since she’s come along in my life.

My lips flatten into a thin line as I look into her beguiling face.

She’s giving me puppy eyes.

Double fuck.

How can I resist that? How can anyone resist that?

“You like chocolate. What else do you like?”

She scowls but soon realizes arguing with me is pointless since I will not budge on my decision.

“I like vanilla, too. Oh, and red velvet. That one is divine.”

I nod.

“I’ll be right back,” I say as I get out of my car and lock it.

Her expression has now changed to that of a wounded puppy and I want to fucking kick myself for upsetting her. I doubt that will win me any sweet points with her.

I sigh.

I better get as many cookies as I can fit into my arms and hopefully a sugar high will make her see me in a different light.

Inside the store, I browse the selection and tell the clerk to pack two dozen chocolate and vanilla. Luckily for me, they have red velvet, too, so I get a dozen of that, as well. As I wait for them to pack my order, I also spot a red velvet cheesecake, and I smile to myself. That will be a good surprise. She’ll have no option but to allow me back into her good graces once she sees the sweet fare I have prepared for her.