I stare at her for a moment, forgetting my train of thought.
“What?” she asks.
I take a deep breath.
Don’t screw this up, Marlowe.
“Open that compartment,” I tell her and motion to the compartment in front of her.
She does as told and fishes a small red bag from inside.
She frowns.
“Look inside,” I add.
She slowly pulls on the white ribbon at the top and takes out the perfume box.
I’d ordered that for her days ago but never found the perfect moment to give it to her since she’s barely been acknowledging my existence.
I had been planning to give it to her before the dinner with my mother, but I suppose now it’s a good time too.
“It’s a perfume,” I feel compelled to mention when she’s just staring at the box.
She blinks, wets her lips, and then finally speaks.
I prepare myself for that thank you I’ve been waiting to hear from her lips.
“I’ve been washing daily, as per your rules,” she says.
“I know but?—”
“If this is your way of telling me I still smell, then no, thank you,” she grumbles. Before I can say anything else, she places the box back in the bag and stuffs it in the compartment.
I look at her, dumbfounded.
“That wasn’t my intention…” I mumble, aware I screwed up again.
She must notice my expression because she immediately changes her mind.
“I suppose I could try the perfume,” she murmurs. She plasters a tight smile on her face as she grabs the gift bag again and takes out the box.
She’s doing this to appease me.
My heart is pounding in my chest.
Minnie struggles to get the perfume bottle out of its box. Keeping one hand on the wheel, I use the other to help her.
“It’s caramel-scented,” I mention awkwardly as I try to regain my composure.
She likes sweet things. She should like this too.
She takes the cap off and sprays the perfume around her.
I hold my breath while she’s deliberating, hoping she’ll like it.
Her brows furrow as her nostrils flare. She scrunches her nose. Then sneezes.