Page 231 of Mayhem and Minnie

Cara was the demon, not my brother.


“Fucking hell!” I grunt as I dodge the incoming tentacle.

Why didn’t Minnie warn me demons were so disgusting? It’s like black tar is oozing from every single one of Cara’s orifices, and the mere thought that I might get a drop of that substance on me has me queasy. Even more so than being the target of a hungry demon.

In my attempt to run from the tentacle, I slip on the bloody floor and barely keep myself from falling. Leaning back, I avoid the tentacle aimed at my face by the width of a strand of hair—which, admittedly, is not much.

I can’t even exhale in relief because demon Cara retracts her tentacle, only to send it flying again toward me.

“You,” she calls out, her voice thick and raspy and well, quite frankly demonic.

“Me?” I give a nervous laugh. “I think I just got the wrong room. If you’ll excuse me,” I say as I make a run for the door.

But as I’m one step away from it, the demon slams it shut.

Ah, for fuck’s sake. Of course this demon has to have some telekinetic powers.

Cara’s body appears to be decaying as the dark mist gets stronger and stronger. Her cheek is melting until only a black viscous substance covering the bones remains. Just as I’m about to point out the fact that she/it is losing their face, she jumps up on the ceiling and crawls toward me.

It crawls!

I suddenly feel like I’m in the Exorcist but without the priest to will this demon away.

“Minnie? A little help here?” I call out as I run from the demon.

More bodily parts melt away from what was formerly Cara until what’s left behind is a monstrous mass of mangled flesh and oozing tar.


Okay, I’ve made up my mind. I don’t want to become a demon—ever. Not when it means looking like that. I mean, personal hygiene? I don’t think demons have heard of it. Or if they have, they probably don’t even care about it because they can harvest souls while being dirty too. And that won’t work for me.


I’m out.

Unfortunately, I’m not out of the room yet. And as I run around from this disgusting demon, all I can do is think of ways to buy myself some time until Minnie comes here and displays her demon slaying things—now that’s going to be hot. Of course I’ll indulge in the hotness of the event only after I ensure I don’t die. I’m not about to pull a fucking Lucien and leave my Minnie behind for another fucker to come along and sweep her off her feet.

No, I’ll be doing all the sweeping—just not with this demon. Although, I might have to inquire if there’s a demon slaying academy for humans since I do have the killer skills—pun intended—and though I may like to be the boy toy of a goddess five days a week, I’d also like to be her protector for the remaining two. Or even the reverse. I’m not picky.

Minnie might be badass, which is admittedly quite hot, but I want to be even more badass. At least then she might find it in her heart to forgive me for my past—and let’s face it, future—transgressions.

“I smell good,” the demon growls, probably meaning that it smells something appetizing—aka me.

“Oh no, you smell bad,” I retort, almost out of breath. “And I’d appreciate it if you continued to smell bad from a distance.”

A howl-like sound erupts from its makeshift mouth—all the skin and muscle has fallen away at this point—and I suppose this is not the time for humor. I mean, if it lost its human appendages, then I’m pretty sure my humor will be lost on it too.

Another tentacle reaches for me, and this time, I’m not able to evade it and it strikes me in the chest, throwing me against the wall on the far side of the room.


That hurt like a bitch.

“Minnie?” I call out again, my voice cracking from the pain.

The demon crawls toward me, now only a few steps away.