Page 108 of Mayhem and Minnie

Even more suspicious.

“I’m rich, objectively good-looking, and at the right age to settle down. I’m the perfect target for that magic of yours.”

“You…” Her lips tremble with mirth. “You think I used magic to what?”

“To get me to become obsessed with you, of course. You want a ring on your finger. Admit it,” I tell her squarely. “Well, I feel compelled to tell you that you’ve made a bad gamble when you chose to work your wiles on me.”

She blinks a few times before she bursts out laughing.

“So let me get this straight. You think I must have put a spell on you to get you to become obsessed with me because I want you to marry me?”

“Indeed. And I’m here to tell you it won’t work.”

“So you’re obsessed with me?” she asks as she wets her lips and takes a step forward.

I take a step back. “Have you not heard what I said? It will not work on me.”

“If it doesn’t work on you, then how do you know there’s anything at all happening to you?”

“Because you’re a witch,” I say accusingly.

“Marlowe, with all due respect,” she starts in a serious tone. “I know your favorite show to watch is Supernatural, but that doesn’t mean everything around you has a supernatural explanation.”

How the hell does she know that? I don’t recall mentioning it to her.

“You’re the one who mentioned magic first.”

“As a joke.” She chuckles. “Are you sure you’re not trying to find an explanation for something that’s already happening to you? Something you may not want to happen to you?”

Once more, she takes a step forward. This time, I don’t move, letting her chest brush against mine. I barely hold back a groan.

“Something like the fact that you might…like me?” She bats her lashes at me.

I place my hands on her shoulders.

Hope blossoms in her features.

Lifting her up, I deposit her in her room and put some space between us.

“I don’t like you, Minnie. I merely tolerate you,” I grumble as I pull the door closed to her room, trying to ignore the stricken expression on her face.

Minnie’s behavior the next day tells me that I mucked things up once more. This time, even worse. If before she would at least mumble something back to me or acknowledge my presence—at times—now she straight up pretends I’m invisible.

As for me? Frankly, I have no idea why I went to her room in the first place, let alone why I felt the need to accuse her of being a witch. After my sugar haze cleared, I could see that I was not in full control of my faculties when I made those accusations, a fact that I communicated to her as well.

She didn’t answer.

Well, to be more precise, she did answer, but not directly.

She just left behind a piece of paper with a blood-red pentagon on it and my name written in the middle.

Now she’s not just ignoring me. She’s mocking me as well.

I would too, since everything I told her was pretty much nonsense.

On top of that, when I went to look at her search history, it was all about spells on how to make him love you, but also one search hit for how to turn him into a toad.

Safe to say, she’s not a witch. If she were, I would have become a toad a long time ago considering the times I’ve made her mad or straight up insulted her.