"So, gentlemen. Welcome to my humble abode." Vlad begins with his usual theatrics, and I see Marcel and Theo roll their eyes.
"Thanks for arranging this," Theo replies. I stand next to Vlad, keeping my face blank and waiting to be addressed.
"Well, now that you're both here." Vlad stops to muse before adding, "Fancy seeing you too, Marcel." Marcel just gives an almost imperceptible nod. "Let's get down to the meat of things. Hastings, you said it was urgent to talk to Bianca."
"We've been invited to Allegra Agosti's birthday party, which is tomorrow. Enzo was hoping Bianca would be able to join when he extended the invitation," he says without even glancing at me once, all the while addressing Vlad.
"So, you came here to see whether Bianca was well enough to attend?" Vlad asks. I have to say, I'm particularly amused by how this exchange is taking place.
"Yes, and I see she's looking much better." Theo finally swings his eyes to me but only briefly. I decide it's time this stops.
"You really want me to accompany you?" I ask, my voice steady and devoid of emotion. He gives a strained nod but still avoids meeting my gaze.
"You could at least look me in the eye and ask," I feel compelled to add, seeing how he likes to pretend I'm not present and have no agency.
Theo's practically fuming at my words, but he grits his teeth and turns to me to ask.
"Could you please come with me to Enzo's party?"
"Fine." I shrug. I don't care why he's asking me, although Vlad did tell me some specifics. I only care that we'll be forced to share a space. Then I can begin my seduction anew. Yes, that is indeed perfect.
"Good. I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight p.m." Theo turns to leave, but Vlad tsks in his usual manner, making him draw to a halt.
"Really, Hastings, I didn't take you to be so hypocritical. Not too long ago, you were bedeviling your wife, but now you need her help. Why don't you tell her exactly why you have to attend?" Vlad's manner is relaxed, but his words are cutting. I can see Theo's shoulders tense before he simply answers.
"It's for work. Bianca probably already knows I've been trying to get someone named Jimenez for a long time now. Enzo's event might prove to be just the place."
"Good. Now try again, but without the lies," Vlad takes a few steps towards Theo and adds.
At this, I turn sharply towards Vlad. He's never mentioned anything else when he's outlined our plan of action. What is he talking about?
"I don't know what you're talking about," Theo replies, but his expression is closed off. Marcel, however, has been on the sidelines this whole time, observing. Odd.
Vlad takes one more step, now wholly within Theo's personal space. I see his stance a second before he acts, throwing a punch at Theo.
My first instinct is to grab the first weapon I see from Vlad's desk, so I take one of his pencils, ready to draw blood. Just as I'm about to move, I see Marcel showing me a stop sign with his raised palm, followed by a hand motion towards the ensuing fight. I finally focus on what's happening and see Theo entirely holding his own against Vlad. They're both approximately the same size, but Vlad is the one with a lifetime of experience.
But what I see leaves me cold. Theo dodges almost every single attack, even the more complicated ones. At the same time, he gives as good as he gets. The only reason they're not entirely bloody and wounded is because they seem to be evenly matched in skills.
After what seems like an eternity of seeing one of the best fighting matches I've ever seen, they stop, both panting.
"Anything left to say,Adrian?" Vlad retreats to his desk, where he procures a handkerchief and proceeds to gracefully wipe the sweat from his face.
I see Theo's eyes widen a little, and I frown.
"Adrian?" I finally speak. It feels like everyone is onto something, and I'm the only one not knowing what's happening.
"Why don't you tell her,Hastings.Or wait, that's not really your name, is it?" Vlad turns to me with an expression of fake concern. "I fear you've married him under false pretense, little goddess."
I'm… intrigued.
"What do you mean?"
"Shall I, or shall you?" Vlad nods towards Theo, and I can see the tension radiating from him.
He doesn't speak, so Vlad does the honors.
"Let's see from the beginning. Tragic tale. Michael and Paulina Barnett. Killed in their home after a supposed robbery gone wrong. Left behind one son. Adrian Barnett. After some foster homes, he found himself fighting to the death for the Irish. Andrew Gallagher if I'm not mistaken. I met him a time or two, not the most pleasant fellow." Vlad scrunches his face in annoyance before continuing.