Page 157 of Morally Corrupt

Unable to refuse his invitation, we all get into Enzo's car, after which he tells his driver to take us towards Canal Street.

Once we get there, we're led towards what appears to be a former fire station. After we're vetted, we enter a vast arena full of people yelling at the top of their lungs.

Enzo motions us towards a more secluded area that I'm guessing is reserved for people like him. While not wholly cut off from the other spectators, it still provides a little more privacy than the massive throng of people crowded around the fighting ring.

One glance at Adrian, and I know he's not happy with this turn of events. I take his hand in mine and offer it a big squeeze. He has to know I'm here with him.

Enzo's father joins as well, also accompanied by a model who seems to be a third of his age.

"Do we really have to stay?" I whisper to Adrian and notice the tautness of his muscles when he replies.

"Something is off." He shakes his head, confused. "I don't know what…"

The first round is announced, between Quinn and another man named Sean something. They both enter the ring, and holy moly is Quinn packing some.

I'm busy staring at what is obviously an extremely ripped body when a hand covers my eyes.

"Don't look at other men like that, love. I might have to jump in the ring," Adrian whispers in my hair. I turn around and give him a long kiss.

"You'll always be my number one. Now, down, boy." I smirk at him and pinch him playfully.

The fight starts, and as expected, Quinn wins the first round. The crowd goes crazy.Quinn's movements have both speed and strength, and it's no wonder he's barely sporting any injuries when his adversary is covered in blood.

The many scars on Quinn's body, however, attest to the fact that he's trained hard to get to the level he's at.

The second round starts, and Quinn seems slightly distracted as he keeps looking back to his corner, where his trainer is. It's not affecting his game, as he evades every direct hit while landing some on his opponent. It's clear he's just toying with him at this point.

I have to wonder what the purpose of this game is.

Enzo hadn't been too forthcoming, but I'm guessing it's the arena's inauguration since Quinn himself is in the ring. Odd, though, that I haven't spotted his father yet. Aren't they usually together?

"Do you see his father anywhere?" I ask, scanning the area. Adrian shakes his head and tries to look too.Again, this is odd. Matthew should be in the private box too, watching his son. Maybe he knows this game is just a formality and doesn't think it's worth showing up?

But then doubt creeps in. What if there's more to the Gallaghers than meets the eye?

"We should tell Enzo about Andrew," I suggest. I know we aren't particularly close with Enzo, especially since the whole Martin debacle, but he should have all the details.

Adrian is about to reply when suddenly a couple of shots ring out in our direction.

We both barely have time to react when blood sprays directly into my face. Adrian immediately puts his body in front of me as a shield and pushes me to the ground.

"Down," he commands.

The crowd is frantic, running around and flooding towards the exits. Just as the shots started, they stop.People are still moving around haphazardly, and I can't see if anyone's been hit.

"Adrian?" I ask and try to move him off me while assessing his body for injuries. He just grunts an, I'm fine.

Right next to us, Enzo and Rocco are down, both bleeding out. I immediately go to Enzo's side while Adrian takes Rocco.

"I got a pulse," I say and then press my hands against his side, where the bullet must have nabbed him.

Adrian checks for the same with Rocco but shakes his head. Next to Rocco, his companion is also injured. Enzo's, on the other hand, appears to have fled already.

"Call 911," I tell Adrian, knowing that if Enzo doesn't get any medical attention, he'll end up like his father.

"Tell… Allegra… love…" Enzo struggles to get some words out, but his eyes suddenly snap shut, and his breathing becomes more labored.

I keep on applying pressure to the wound until Adrian nudges me and takes my spot. He gives me a worried look before adding, "If anyone asks, I was investigating a tip, and you had no idea what was happening. Clear?" I just nod absentmindedly.