Page 128 of Morally Corrupt

"Oh, I forgot to add that bywild,I meant that it's mostly used to auction people off. It's truly a dissolute dump, considering all that goes in there. But it's also one of the most exclusive auction clubs that Jimenez owns."

I frown at him. "And you just thought to mention this now?" What is Vlad playing at?

"Of course, where would be the fun of giving you everything served on a platter?" He tilts his head in a challenging manner, and without even thinking, I take a step forward.

Bianca puts her hand on my arm and shakes her head.

It takes me a second to cool down.

And that's when I remember Vlad's MO—quid pro quo. He doesn't do anything for free… Maybe that's why he was so adamant about checking the whole list. And whatever we found must have been quite crucial for him to feel that he owes us a piece of information.

I sneak a glance at Bianca to check her reaction, but she's as expressionless as always. She knows him well enough not to be offended by this. Or at least she's not showing it.

"What else do you know?" I eventually ask, trying to subdue my temper.

Vlad doesn't answer but opens the drawer and throws two bracelets towards Bianca and me. Both of them have a cursive B imprinted in diamonds on a round piece of gold.

"Those are your invitations. It'sthatexclusive. Wear them, and you're in."

"And how did you manage to get these?"

"I have my contacts. But does it really matter?"

Honestly, no. Vlad could keep his secrets since it's clear he has his own agenda and is probably pursuing something too. I don't care as long as he's transparent with us.

Which he isn't exactly.

It makes me wonder how Bianca could be such close friends with him. Just as that thought takes shape, I remind myself that Vlad doesn't feel anything, either. It's easy to forget that when he mimics feelings and facial expressions so well.

Healmostseems normal.

When I look now at Bianca and him, I see a world of difference. Ever since Bianca hasn't felt the need to pretend anymore, her default expression has been… blank. There's rarely anything reflected on her face. Vlad, on the other hand, seems entirely too ordinary, even in a room with people who know he's anything but.

That makes him dangerous.

"Fine. Bianca, tomorrow we're going to Atlantic City." She gives me a brief nod.

As I turn to leave, Vlad calls out again.

"Don't you want to know what the crossed-out names were?" he asks in an amused tone.

"You managed to read them?" Bianca inquires, getting closer to Vlad.

"Yes. Nothing new, but Marcel and I confirmed that they all died around the time Martin came into possession of the list."

"We were thinking that they probably refused the blackmail and fought back. In return, Martin killed them," Marcel speaks, crossing his arms from the other corner of the room. I'd almost forgotten he was there, but then, Marcel always maintains a distance between himself and other people.

"Basically, the old man was the piece of shit we already knew he was," Bianca scoffs.

"Thought you'd like to know." Vlad smirks.

I announce that I'm leaving, but not before I wave Marcel over for a quick word.

"I don't trust Vlad," I tell him.

I didn't trust him before, but now? I don't care that B's known him for ten years and whatnot. And it's not about me being jealous.

It's really not.