Page 1 of The Bull's Head

Chapter 1

Theodore “Teddy” Egorov sucked in a breath as his First’s mate—Cece, his former First’s mate, he reminded himself for the hundredth time—drove down the ramp that would take them to the home of Malachi and Alpin, the First and his mate of the recently formed Wald Pack. And also Teddy’s new home.

“You don’t have to do this,” Cece reminded him. “You’re under no obligation.”

And Teddy knew she told him the truth, but being back with Ivan and the rest of the pack was… draining. After they’d discovered how their former leader, Hiram, had committed the ultimate betrayal—murdering his mate and their children, then blaming it on Teddy and Ivan and having them beaten and left to die—Teddy was adrift. Ivan told him it would work out, but that was his answer for everything.

This wasn’t something that could work itself out. Alana, Casper, and Dimitri were dead. No matter what anyone said, Teddy had failed to save them. He’d spent years believing he deserved whatever punishment he had coming, but to find out they were nothing more than means to an end?

“No, I want to be here,” he said, his voice breaking.

Besides, he liked the rabbit and wolf. Alp was gentle and kind. The way he’d spoken with Teddy and Ivan before they stormed the lab where dozens upon dozens of shifters were held and experimented on, even though Alp had to be terrified because he had been held there, too, and they’d cut off his hand. Still, he put Teddy and Ivan first.

And Malachi was stern, but approachable. He had a gruff edge, honed from many years he’d spent alone, until the fateful night he saved Alp from the men who’d been torturing him and far too many other shifters.

“Sweetheart—” she began as they got out of the vehicle.

“No. Please, I have made up my mind. This is where I shall stay.”

Even though his heart wasn’t in it at all.


Alp’s voice echoed in the large garage as he bounded toward Cece. When he reached her, he jumped up and she snatched him in mid-flight, then pulled him to her and spun him around.

“Oh, honey. It’s so good to see you. How are things going?”

Teddy bit back a laugh when Cece continued to hold Alp, who didn’t seem to mind in the least.

“It’s… tough. The logistics of this is a nightmare. So many people, and almost all of them are damaged in some way. Lydia is talking about closing her practice and moving here full-time, but Mal forbid it, because he won’t have her giving up her life or depriving Swenson of their only decent vet.”

Cece nuzzled Alp’s hair. It seemed a common thing for wolves. Teddy had to admit, he enjoyed it when Damon and Cece gifted him with their touch. He would miss that.

“We’ll find her some help,” Cece promised.

“I would really appreciate that. I don’t want her getting burned out.”

“No, that’s not what we want either. She’s an incredible ally, and those are few and far between.” She turned her gaze on Teddy. “And now, Wald is getting ready to accept one of our finest into their ranks.”

“It is a pleasure to see you again, First mate.”

Alp’s cute little nose wrinkled, just like his bunny’s would. “Do you let him talk to you like that?” he asked Cece.

“Oh, don’t even get me started on this one,” she complained. “All these years, and he still defaults to it on occasion.” She held Alp with one hand as she reached out to cup Teddy’s cheek. “And I’m going to miss the hell out of him.”

“I’m sorry,” Teddy whispered. He’d been so certain that he’d needed this change, but now? “I could stay, if you wanted.”

Knowing Damon and Cece, plus their sons, Wiley and Micah, would have his back, Teddy thought maybe staying would be the smarter choice. But looking at them, especially Cece, reminded Teddy of the day she found him and Ivan, naked in the snow, waiting to die, and the reasons for it. How she’d nursed him and Ivan back from the brink of death and made them part of her pack. He owed her everything, and now he was leaving her.

Cece lowered Alp to the floor, then turned and pulled Teddy into her arms. “Nothing would make me happier,” she told him. “Even Damon is sad that you’re leaving. And don’t ask how Wiley and Micah reacted when I told them. Before we left, Damon had to take them out camping so he could explain why you were going. You might not see it, but you’ve always been more than a bodyguard to them. You and Ivan? You’re family. It hurts, but we understand sometimes family has to move on.”

“I have to do this,” Teddy ground out, hoping to finally convince himself. “I need to find out who I am. Is there more to me than a bodyguard? Is that all I’m good for?”

“What? No, I never said?—”

“Not you,” he hastened to add as he tapped his fingers against his temple. “In here now is such a… what’s the phrase Damon uses? Shitshow. Hiram….” Teddy choked on the name of the man he thought would always be their leader. “He let us take the blame for the murders he committed. He had us beaten and was going to sell us to a monster. Were we ever more than bodies to him? Is that all I am?”

“No,” Alp insisted. “You have a body, yes. But you’ve got a mind as keen as any I’ve seen. Cece is amazed by you and Ivan. When we needed someone to help put this mess in order, you were the first person she suggested. We don’t need another body. Well, that’s not true. We need like fifty of them, but that’s not the point here. We need that brain of yours. Do you get it?”