“Where are you going?”
“Back to Daeng’s room. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
Crowding me against the door, P’Park bows his head, pressing his face to my shoulder.
“Please don’t leave. Please believe me when I tell you that I don’t want Pear.” He takes a deep breath. “And that I do want you.”
He steps back when I turn to look up at him.
“You really don’t want to be with P’Pear?”
He shakes his head. “I really don’t. We’ve been over for a long time. I don’t know why she thought she had a chance. I’ve barely spoken with her since filming started.”
“And you like me?” I ask. “I mean, as more than a friend. Because I can take it if you don’t, P’Park. We’re working partners. Please don’t lie to me.”
“I like you as more than a friend.” He touches my face. “I don’t sleep around like some actors do. I swear it.”
Finally, I give him a small smile. “Good,” I say. “Because I kind of like you, too.”
“Kind of?” he asks, tilting my chin.
“Okay. More than kind of.” Standing on my tiptoes, I kiss his lips, determined to wipe every bit of P’Pear’s kiss from his memory.
Chapter Thirty: Park
God, I almost fucked everything up with Spin. Did I really never mention to him that Pear is my ex? I’m so glad he gave me a second chance. My stomach twists thinking about it on the ride back to Bangkok. Not just losing Spin as a work partner, but losing what we have. Because I know we have something.
I was so caught off guard when Pear kissed me on the beach. I thought I made myself clear—that I’m not interested in getting back with her—and that we moved past the awkward moment. We were laughing about some joke I made, and then all of a sudden she kissed me, determined to make me feel something I didn’t feel. Spin must not have stood there long because in seconds I pushed her away and told her that my heart was taken. When I left her, she was crying. And I felt bad about that. But not as bad as I felt when I couldn’t find Spin. Or when he came back to our hotel room and told me he’d been in Daeng’s hotel room.
Fucking Daeng. But I guess I need to give the guy some credit. He obviously didn’t try anything with Spin, and he kept Spin’s mind off what he’d seen between me and Pear.
After Spin kissed me, we fell on the bed together.
“I’m so glad you heard me out,” I mutter between kisses.
Spin mumbles something I don’t catch before sweeping his tongue into my mouth.
Half our clothes are off when Spin’s phone rings. Spin puts the call on speaker phone, and, after Spin tells him I’m listening, Bass lets us know that he told Kiet that Daw’s cheating on him. Kiet didn’t take it well.
“But he believed you?” Spin asks.
“Yeah. I got the impression he’s had his suspicions.”
“Sorry you had to do that,” Spin says. “But I’m glad you did.”
When he hangs up, I lean in and kiss him, only to be interrupted again by a number Spin didn’t recognize.
“Hello?” Spin pulls the phone from his ear and I can hear a woman’s voice cursing at him, calling him a lying bastard. I reach over Spin and disconnect the call. He doesn’t have to listen to that shit.
Spin sighs. “Do you mind if we just go to sleep?” he asks, looking tired.
“Of course not,” I say. “Will you sleep in bed with me?”
Spin nods, and we lie down together, arms wrapped around each other and Spin’s head tucked under my chin.
We’re up at dawn and get ready for the long ride home. The entire crew looks worn out, having partied until the wee hours the night before. Most of them sleep on the way home. After giving me a dirty look when he got on the bus, Daeng ignores me. I wonder if Spin told him what he saw. Spin leans his head against my shoulder, something he does a lot to people he’s close to, but somehow this feels different this time. His hand creeps onto my thigh, and I smile as I encircle his fingers in my palm.