Page 19 of Baby Love

“I think we’ve had enough alcohol for the night.” I’d been planning on taking a few pictures for social media, but I don’t think it would be a good idea with Spin in this condition.

Spin’s rosy lips fall open. “Oh. Are you drunk, P’Park?”

I laugh. “I’m okay. Don’t worry about me. Do you want to leave? It’s after midnight.”

Spin nods. “Okay.”

I pay the bill and head for the door. Three people try to engage Spin in conversation on the way out, but I firmly guide him outside and into the slightly cooler air.

Looking around, Spin sways on his feet, and I have to catch him before he falls on his ass. Taking his hand, I tug him toward the parking lot.

“Wait, I’m thinking,” Spin says, tugging me to a halt. “And I can’t think and walk at the same time.” Knitting his brows together, he stands quietly for a moment, and then his face blossoms into that beautiful smile. “Oh, yeah. I remember what I was going to say.”

“What?” I ask, guiding him to the side of the pavement so a couple can get by us.

He looks at me blankly. “What, what?”

“What were you going to say?”

He frowns. “When?”

Shaking my head, I prod him forward. “Nevermind. Let’s go to the car.”

He digs in his heels.“Wait. We’re leaving?”

“Yes. It’s time to go home.”

“No, P’Park.” He shakes his head seriously. “I want to dance some more.” Turning toward the bar again, Spin staggers a few steps before giving up and sitting down in the middle of the pavement, so people have to step around him.

With a resigned sigh, I pick him up, this time hefting him over my shoulder.

“Did we get married?” he asks, then starts giggling.

Pointing my key at the car, I unlock it. “I hope you won’t be sick tomorrow,” I say, carefully settling him into the passenger seat before walking around and slipping behind the wheel. “What’s your address?”

Spin doesn’t answer, and when I look over at him, he’s asleep.

“Spin.” I shake his arm, but he’s dead to the world.

Buckling him in, I think about what to do.

A couple of hours ago, when I checked with Khun Anong, she told me that Anya might as well stay the night since she was already asleep. Spin and I have to be at the studio by noon tomorrow. It only makes sense that he stay with me at my house.

The streets of my neighborhood are quiet when I pull up to the curb and shut off the engine. Turning, I try shaking Spin awake again, but he’s out. I unlock the gate and jog to the front door to unlock and open it, before returning and scooping Spin into my arms. He isn’t particularly heavy, even as dead weight. I bring him inside and lie him on the couch before going back to close and lock the front door.

Asleep, he looks incredibly young and guileless.

“M’shoes,” he murmurs drowsily. I slip them off his feet and cover him with a blanket.

“P’Park, where am I?” he asks in a small voice as I’m tidying up the room, so Spin won’t trip on any of Anya’s toys if he wakes up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

“You’re at my house. Go back to sleep,” I tell him.

Flopping gracelessly onto his side, face to the back of the couch, he presents me with his small, round ass. I stare at it for a moment, wondering if I should take off his jeans so he’ll be more comfortable. I decide I probably shouldn’t then head for the bathroom.

As I’m brushing my teeth, I almost jump out of my skin when Spin appears at the door and points to the toothpaste. “Need t’brush m’teeth,” he says.

After rinsing my mouth, I pull a new toothbrush out of the closet and put some toothpaste on it for him before handing it to him. The first try, he almost takes his eye out.