Page 75 of Baby Love

Chapter Thirty-One: Spin

P’Park was right when he told me that I would have to get used to large crowds of fans. Since the series debuted, we get swamped at whatever event we go to. Tons of fan art and fan fiction have been created about us online, and not a day goes by that someone doesn’t take my photograph. Even in the grocery store. It’s so weird. But my career has taken off, and it’s proving that P’Park and I did the right thing when we signed on for five years together.

I haven’t heard from my father, and I hope he’s out of my life for good. Khun Hom made him sign legal papers, so if he comes back to bother me, he can be sued. For a long time, I secretly hoped my father would change. That he might come back a new man, or that he might have a change of heart and at least try to be a father to me and Nok. But, now, I know that won’t happen. P’Park offered to try to glue together the pieces of the conch shell, but we both knew it was a lost cause—my father had made sure it was completely shattered, some of it stomped to dust. P’Park bought a beautiful box made of mother of pearl, and a piece of my heart mended when I settled the fragments of the conch inside it and placed it on the shelf again.

I’m not the only one relieved to be rid of the man. Nok seems much more carefree since our father left town. Of course, that could be due to her new relationship with Bass. Slowly, I’m beginning to get used to seeing them as a couple. Nok and I have had a few conversations about it, and she insists that Bass is an absolute gentleman with her.

He fucking better be.

Aside from work, P’Park and I try to make time for dates. Sometimes these have to be at his house with his sister present, but I don’t mind. I love Anya. She’s so sweet and I enjoy playing with her. Besides, most nights she’s in bed by eight and then P’Park and I have time together. We rarely have sex with Anya in the house, but on the nights we work late and she stays with Khun Anong, we stay at my place and can’t get enough of each other. The first time, we did it three times in a row, and my legs shook so hard I collapsed when I got up to go the bathroom. P’Park rushed over and picked me up, apologizing over and over until I was able to convince him that he hadn’t hurt me. He’s always afraid he hurts me during sex, and then he tries to be gentle until I beg him for harder, faster—and that’s all it takes for him to let go and plow me like I want him to.

“P’Park! Nong Spin!” a fan calls out to us, then holds up a sign with our names printed on it surrounded by hearts. We wave to her, and she bounces on her toes with excitement. P’Park’s hand is at the small of my back, and beside us P’Daeng and P’Gift wave to their fans. It’s been two months since Heartbeat finished airing, and we’re participating in a charity event with several other production companies. Someone shouts out for P’Park to kiss me, and he busses me on the cheek, causing the crowd to go wild. I pretend to admonish him over it, but my blush is real.

Later, at the reception for the actors, I spot someone across the room that I haven’t seen in months.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell P’Park, leaving him talking to friends.

Making my way around the groups of people chatting, I walk up to the buffet where Pravat is loading his plate with food.

“I thought that was you,” I say, tackling him with a tight hug.

He squeezes me before letting me go. “Nong, where have you been hiding?”

“I’m not the one who keeps going on trips out of the country. Where’s Rama?”

“In the restroom. How are you?” He looks me over. “You look good. You must like it at SPPT.”

I grin. “I do.”

“You’ve made a name for yourself. I’m proud of you.”

“It was mostly luck, but thank you.”

“That’s not true. I watched your series. You’re good. Is your partner treating you right?” He looks over my shoulder to where P’Park is still talking to the fans.

“Yes. P’Park is wonderful.”


I turn around to find Rama walking toward me. I launch myself at him, hugging him just as tightly as I hugged Pravat.

“I’ve missed you guys.”

“We’ve missed you, too,” Rama says. “Pravat and I watched Heartbeat. You were so good in it. We were impressed.”

My face warms. “Thank you, but you’re exaggerating.”

Rama shakes his head. “No, not at all.”

Rama is so handsome. So is Pravat, but Rama has a regal beauty that makes it difficult not to stare at him.

“I hear you two are back as a ship,” I say.

“We are. I think P’Tida figured out it was a mistake to break us up.”

“Why did she, anyway? Was it because you two were together outside of work?”

“Definitely,” Pravat says. “Maybe she was afraid we’d lose our chemistry or that we’d break up and fuck things up that way. I don’t know. But since Fah has moved onto something else and Rama is free again, they relented and put us back together. Our new series starts filming soon.” He smiles at Rama, and it’s clear they’re both glad to be working together again.