He says nothing.
“I’ll have to think about it,” I continue.
“Think about it as much as you want,” he says before moving his focus back to the ceiling.
A few long moments slip away.
“It’s been six months since I had sex,” I say, my words whirling around the room like icy gusts of wind.
My unexpected confession makes him flick his head to me and read my eyes.
I tilt my chin down.
“And I’ve never been in love,’ I continue.
I’ve never told this to anyone.
“How come?”
I fear that being truthful with him might make me vulnerable in his eyes, and he might exploit that weakness. On the other hand, if he’s that kind of man, I’d rather know it quickly.
“It just didn’t happen.”
“You’ve never followed your heart,” he muses, moving his gaze away from me.
“Maybe. But it’s not as if I didn’t want to.”
“So, no relationships?”
He doesn’t move his eyes to me, and something tells me he doesn’t like our conversation as much as I didn’t like the story about his old flame.
“There were a few relationships and a lot of dating. Some dates were worse than the others.”
“You didn’t get bored?”
I laugh.
“I had to do what I needed to do.”
“You liked it?”
“No. But I thought it was necessary if I wanted to find someone.”
“Now you know why I asked you to stop doing that.”
I smile.
“You don’t know me well enough to ask me to do anything.”
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t need to spend years with you to know what’s right. Or to know you.”
“You know nothing about me, Jax.”
He gives me a laugh.
“Try me.”