“It’s a boxing strategy. Well, a variation of that, in your case. I messed with your plans, got you interested, waited for you to make a mistake, and pulled you down.”
He laughs.
“You think?” he tosses at me.
My smile fades as I study him.
“You’re amazing, you know,” I murmur.
I’ve never met someone so thoughtful and caring.
“I’m just interested… That’s all,”hesays humbly, looking me up and down with a flicker of hungerinhisgaze.
“The two women…” I murmur, focused on our conversation again. “The one you were seeing. And the one who attended Rylee’s party.”
“What about them?” he says, placing the cigarette on the nightstand and crossing his arms over his chest in a defensive stance.
“Can you tell me more about them?”
“I’m not seeing anyone right now,” he says. “The brunette is someone my mother wanted me to meet. She thinks she’s wife material.”
“I happen to believe the same thing.”
He laughs, amused.
“I don’t have a say in that?’
“I think you’ve had a say all along. That’s why I’m here with you.Sheis good, though.”
“You think you’re bad?”
“I think I’m learning to be good, and so far, I’ve learned very little, being busy with unlearning things.”
“I think you’re doing great. I also think you are a good woman. Otherwise, you’d be with the next Thomas Everett. That’s why you didn’t click with him. I’m surprised the Doctor didn’t tell you that.”
“Speaking about the Doctor…”
He makes a gesture.
“You were right about her. She was infatuated with me,” he says.
My eyebrows go up.
“You’re kidding me,” I say, laughing. “You asked for a different therapist because of that?”
“I asked for a different therapist because I hated running into you in that environment.”
“You don’t want me to see a therapist?”
“You do whatever you think is best for you. But I don’t think you need to see one.”
“I’ll be done in a few weeks,” he says.
My eyes glide over his broad chest and tattooed hands, and just by doing that, he knows what I want from him.