“Are you all right, baby?”
“Yes. I’m fine.”
My voice is strained, my hand latched onto the pendant asfootsteps march into my office.
“She’s not here,” Mina says, and I regain my focus.
“They’re looking for me. I need to go.”
“Sure,” he says, the affection in his eyes gone.
How do these things work?
Should I say…Talk to you later?
We don’t do that as we only have sex and nothing else.
“You know how to get out of the building.”
“Don’t worry about me,” he says before placing a cold kiss on my cheek.
“I’ll go first,” I say.
Without another word, I exit the bathroom and walk into my office, expecting to see Mina.
She’s trailing down the corridor, so I spin around, stick my head into the bathroom, find him scrolling on his phone, and signal him he can leave.
Quietly, he slides his phone into his pocket and follows me while my heels click-clack against the floorall the wayto my desk.
I slide into my seat, not looking at him, and he makes a beeline for the exit when Mina paces back into my office.
“Shit,” I mutter under my breath, my hands sweaty on my desk.
With the air of someone visiting the building for the first time, he picks up a brochure from the coffee table.
My secretary walks in when he turns to me as if wanting to ask something.
“Oh,” Mina says, coming to a sudden halt, thunderstruck. “I didn’t know you had a client here with you,” she says, unknowingly offering him a way out.
He looks at me, an eyebrow lifted.
“Who is this lovely lady?” he asks, acting like a pro.
“This is Mina, my secretary,” I say, pondering a way out.
She steps in, a full-mouth grin on her face.
“Nice to meet you,” she says, overly excited.
I get a sting of jealousy when their hands connect.
“Jax London,” he says, and I watch her melt before dragging her gaze to the leaflet in his hand. “Oh, you must be here for the presentation,” she says. “Building individual wealth,” she drones on. “The presentation begins in five minutes. You don’t want to miss it.”
I push to my feet, my hands clasped on my hips.
The idea ofhaving him on the floor for another hour makes me nervous. You never know with him.