Her eyes hover over my face and hair.
“Oh. You did it,”shesays, realizing my hair looks different.
“Yes. I went for a more reddish brown shade. You like it?”
“It’s perfect.”
Someone knocks on the open door, requesting her assistance.
“Go,” I say as she gets ready to spin away.
“Breakfast?” she asks on her way out.
“Maybe later. I had something to eat.”
No, I did not. But I don’t feel like eating.
“You know what? Order something, just in case.”
“Will do,” she says and exits my office.
Alone, I claim my seat behind the desk and peer outside.
The view is magnificent, a reminder ofhow successful I have beenat climbing the corporate ladder.
And yet…
I never thought there was life behind these walls. And I never believed life could be so disruptive.
My hand goes to my purse when Mina enters my office again without knocking.
“Your food will be here shortly,” she says as I swivel with my chair to face her. “And I have three apartment viewings scheduled for tomorrow.”
My eyebrows push up.
“So quickly?”
“Yes. I emailed you a list of properties in case you want to check them before going there to see them.”
“Okay,” I say, my curiosity ignited. “Anything else?”
Her eyes linger on my face.
“What is it?” I ask again.
A small smile tilts her lips.
“There is something about you. Has something happened to you?”
I shrug.
“I don’t know. No?”
“You look good,” she says again, smiling, and I shoo her away. “Go back to work. You’re kissing my butt, and I don’t like it.”
She chuckles.
“It’s true,” she says.